Year in Review

Jan 05, 2010 05:24

Take the first sentence (or 2...or whatever) from the first post of each month of 2009. That's your year in review.

January: My (now ex) girlfriend broke up with me this past Sunday. I'm hurt, and I don't think it's fully sunken in that we are no longer together

February: I fell off the face of the internet for the past two weeks or so. I've been back for a couple days, but haven't bothered to update livejournal yet.

March: So, I haven't been updating my journal, because my life is both busy and boring. But I was on OKC tonight and some horny guy messaged me on OKC chat.

April: Haha I'm on this dumb site trying to offend total strangers. Except I keep getting distracted from the offensive part.

May: Okay, so today was rather busy. I woke up late and actually checked my email before leaving, hearing that Rockville High School was closed due to the swine flu.

June: Yeah, still not ready to start actually keeping the journal again. Not even for writing purposes, because I only seem to want to write when I should be going to bed.

July: Yeah, I know I haven't been keeping up with my journal. I read my flist but I don't post. I was going to make a massive post about King's Dominion, but that never happened.

August: Okay, not dead. I'll try and keep this brief and not talk about stuff people don't want to hear.

September: I haven't posted in... A bit. Not a REALLY long bit, so I doubt you've thought I died.

October: I'm in the computer lab in between classes. I haven't been updating about class much; I've been procrastinating my work as much as possible.

November: So Nanowrimo has officially begun; it is after midnight on the first of November. I should mention, if I haven't already, that updates during November will probably include the following:

-word count updates
-scenes from the nanovel (Which I seem to have entitled "World Enough And Time" ahaha)
-me whining about how hard it is to do this damn thing

December: Lots of crazy shit today, including me finishing that paper. And emailing my professor creepily about whether she or anyone else in the Sociology department would like to read this hypothetical paper-type analysis THING I want to write whenever I get around to writing it -- I projected some time after exams during winter break in the email.

It's embarrassing how much of that is about me not keeping my journal actively enough for my own satisfaction. But hey, this meme is always fun. I did it last year, and I'm pretty sure I did it the year before that, too. Also, scary thing? I've had this journal since 2003. I went long stretches without posting, mostly because I was using some other site instead, but Jesus.

year in review, meme

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