So I'm doing some casework, involving
CAFCASS (the family courts service). One of their Sheffield managers has taken the position that no information can be shared with the MP as that would infringe the Data Protection Act and the Human Rights Act with relation to the constituent's rights
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The DPA doesn't actually require that the person concerned make the request. It merely requires "explicit consent". "A trusted third party with an audit trail should be good enough.
Although it was when looking at this I came across a weird thing about the DPA in Scotland. Although the DPA does apply in Scotland, the act doesn't actually empower anybody to take actions against somebody under it. It explicitly calls on the DPP for England & Wales and whoever it is for NI. But no mention of Scotland there. Possibly because of the requirements of a separate legal system under the 1707 Act of Union, so actually prosecuting would be a devolved matter, even though the overall issue is reserved.
A fellow nationalist once told me that whatever body it is that recognises international treaties doesn't recognise the 1707 Treaty for the simple reason that it's been violated so much. Now that would be an interesting negotiating point for independence, eh?
The 1975 Local Government (Scotland (surely?)) Act thus was as valid as, but more recent than, the 1707 Act as a constitutional "amendment"?
Or have I got this totally wrong and one of the articles of the 1707 Act was that the rights enshrined therein could not be abrogated?
And by definition, because of the treaty, parliamentary sovereignty reigns supreme?
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