Aug 10, 2005 12:49
Okay, first off my apologies if this doesn't make a ton of sense, I'm hungover. So after the shitty day I had yesterday, I decided to have a little fun. I went to an early dinner with Austin, we went and got Chinese before he had to go into work. Not the most enlightening dinner conversation but enough to help cheer me up. Then after that I decided I was going to go to New Orleans. I decided to be spontaneous so I drove to New Orleans with like $2.00 on me and what not. Called once I hit Slidell and told Ryan he better be home and to start getting cleaned up. Went over to his place where he told me I was dressed a little too slutty for my own good, so he raided his sister's closet and made me dress a little more respectable as he so eloquently put it. So we went clubbin/bar-hoppin for awhile. But, considering the last time we did this it ended a litle too rough, I opted to stay sober for that part of the evening. Later on he called Miles to come take care of me b/c he needed to go home and study. So, Miles met Ryan and I in the quarters where they did a swap on me. From there Miles and I walked around the quarters for awhile while I explained to him everything that was going on. Normally Miles is the sane, reasonable, logical one I always count on, but even after the story I told him he understood my postion. So he told me that it sounded like I was having a rough-day so he bought me a hand grenade, even though he tries to discourage my drinking. We ended up at the Riverwalk, me pretty inebriated and him amused at my state (I'm always a fun drunk). It was like Desiree Gone Wild! So we sat on a park bench for quite sometime talking. He said one thing that just kind of stuck in my mind. He said, "one day hopefully you'll be lucky enough to find a guy who judges you on the beauty of your heart instead of the beauty of your face." Then he paid one of the street performers who stands on the Riverwalk to play "Summertime" for me. So as picturesque as it was, I'm sure it looked funny to other people to see this 65 year old black man dancing with a little white girl. Just sitting there watching the moon on the Mississippi reminded me of how much I love New Orleans. So we decided to head home and continue the party there. Miles made me sit down at the piano and practice for what seemed like forever. He went in the kitchen to make us something to eat. Imagine an old black man cooking pasta trying to sing Italian and you have Miles. He told me he wanted me to work on "Rhapsody in Blue" so we sat down for probably close to 4 hours and I think I worked my way up to page 14 I think. With all the distractions I'm surprised I made it that far, but when you're drunk and angry and everything else, music is a great out. Miles thought I needed to talk to Grams so he called her in the midst of all this, where was my Grams to be found? A pub of course, so we talked to her for quite sometime, she's trying to persuade me to come live with her now worse than ever. Miles had an old Cole Porter album playing in the background (ahhh, lovely). So later on during our poker game I get a call and decided to answer this one, the only one I've answered since Monday night. It was my Matthieu! He just talked to me about how school was going and what his new crusade to save the world was. I miss him, he was a cool guy to hang out with. So after getting Miles drunk to and beating his ass in poker, Matthieu told us he needed to get to work so I hung up and made another drink. Then at about 5:30 this morning Miles decides he wants to dance, so he puts on some Benny Goodman and we're blasting it swinging at the wee hours of the morning, it was freakin' awesome. He can definitely still dance for an old guy. So I eventually passed out on the floor and slept for like an hour or two, he made me eat some breakfast and sober up so I could come home. I just got home a short time ago and I think I'm gonna meet up with Cindy and go to the gym for awhile before I have to go to the dance team meeting and then meet up w/ my kids. And then definitely sleep for Desiree tonight. Alright I'm out now to nurse my hangover and try to make myself more physically attractive. I'll catch ya on the flipside--peace!
"Dreams were never meant to be easy. . .they come true, not free!"