BABES! i miss u soo much =( it hurts 2 think bout u!! hahaha JP skools OUT son o man good fuckin times OMG did u just SWEAR? ur going 2 HELL hahaha r dumb fights...I JUST WANTED 2 OFFER u a FRIGGIN FAN *slam* HOBO railroad..CLARKS TRADING POST...grr im still pissed bout that one *oooo grls u shoulda came* tennis BOY the whores me that gay movie i forget what its called but it was gay cuz SOME1 ruined the ending RELIENT K hahaha and that smelly GRL me being obsessed w. that fag that tells me i look like a man and i was crying in the parking lot hahah i looked soo GAY wow that was quite the recap on our times 2gether...i miss u babes.......=(
OMG last summer was SO MUCH fun hahah u forgot when u came down for my b-day and those fucking big black scary guys hitting on us AHHHH haha oh man that was SO MUCH fun n OMG asa ahhh hahaha he was so weird!n when we went to the mall with tim n jeremy haha there was SO many wiggars at that mall it was so weird...hahaha OMG I could go ON forever but i don't feel like typing haha anyways babe i love you hah OMG SIC!! haha remebver that i forget the date but whatever that was a fun night!! anyways cant wait till this summer!!!! FUCKING HOBO railroad oh man G-UNIT that railroad was such a rip haha \
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<3 bw
bowling = deff.
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