Quick update and quiz

Nov 03, 2005 16:43

This Is My Life, RatedLife:







6.8Take the Rate My Life Quiz

I'm not really sure about the financial aspect being the highest part, but the rest seems true enough.

Manda and Marty's wedding is this weekend!! I was supposed to be leaving today, but my dumb math teacher scheduled a test tomorrow, and she has a strict "No Make-ups" policy, so I have to stay and take it. This means I'm going to be at least 45 minutes late to the rehearsal, which I'm really pissed about, but there's nothing I can do about it. The only way I can get around missing the test is to have my attendance score stand in for my missed exam, and suffice it to say, my attendance score sucks. I actually think I can get a good grade on this test, so I want to take it. I've gotten an A- and a B on my previous tests, so if I can get a good score on this test, it will give me some insurance going into the comprehensive exam.

But anyway. I'm so excited for the wedding! It's enough that my best friend is getting married, but I also can't wait to see all my old friends from Mizzou! It's going to be so great to see everyone again and see how everyone is doing. It's been a while since I've seen most of them, so I can't wait! Plus, I get to show off pictures of Taylor!!

Speaking of Taylor, I talked to Melissa today, and she said Taylor had her first appointment yesterday, and she gained an ounce, which is good, apparently. So she's healthy, which is all anyone can hope for at 4 days old.

Well, off to study for my math test. THIRD test this week, by the way. I think my teachers hate me. :)
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