Five Questions

Aug 13, 2005 00:49

(Courtesy of Julia, by way of Tanya)

Tanya got this from Julia, who had this concept on her blog and said anyone who wanted questions asked to them should just say the word. Same goes here: if you’d like to be asked questions, post a comment to such effect and then I’ll email them to you. You must then respond on your blog and offer to ask other people questions. Yes, it’s FUN!

1. What are you most excited about for school?
Finishing! But seriously, I finally feel like I've honed in on what I want to do, and I'm anxious to learn as much as I can about it and get into the field and get, you know, a REAL job. That, and I really want to prove to myself that I can do this. Even though it has taken longer than it "should," I know I can do it, and I'm anxious to show myself and the world that I can do it.

2. You recently relocated - what's been the most difficult part of this transition, and why?
To be honest, the transition has been pretty easy. I've lived on my own and gone to school before, so it's not like I haven't done this before. I suppose the biggest change and hardest transition has been to become more cautious and aware of how I spend my money so I make sure I have enough to pay bills. Also, I find myself calling my Mom a lot, which I think has to do with why the transition has been easier.

3. Snape...your opinion on him: good or evil?
Evil. At least, I really hope so. One of the things I like about the Harry Potter series is that it generally doesn't pull any punches. It says that while good generally prevails, sometimes shit happens in life. I will be terribly disappointed if J.K. comes back in Book 7 and says, "Just kidding! Snape's not really evil and Dumbledore isn't really dead and Voldemort is a figment of everyone's imagination." I don't have any hard proof to back this up, but I'm in the middle of re-reading HBP now, so I may have some details later.

4. What's your typical routine look like these days, and how do you think it will change this fall?
Well, 5 days a week, I work 4 p.m. to midnight. At the moment, I'm usually staying up late and sleeping in and not doing much else. Obviously, once school starts, this will change drastically. I have class either and 9 or 9:30 every morning, so I will be getting up much earlier. I will still be working 5 days a week, at least in the beginning, and I most of those days will still be the same 4-12 shift as now. So instead of coming home and RPing online or watching TV or generally screwing around, I will be going to bed when I get home so I can get up in the morning. I plan on starting to get up a little earlier in the coming weeks so the transition won't be so harsh.

5. What one thing would you LOVE to do that you have never done?
Leave the country. I've never been outside the continental United States. I've never seen an ocean. Not too deep, but it bothers me. Hopefully, by the time I graduate, I will have at least been to the ocean.
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