Mmm, so full of steak it's ridiculous. Good show, me.
To all my waitstaff friends, check this out: If you don't wanna read it, then here's the summary.
"LeBron pulls up in his Mercedes outside XO(Steakhouse). People stop and try not to stare, but c'mon, it's LeBron James. He enters the restaurant with a group of friends. On this special occasion, the King decides to dine late. He keeps his group there until around 3:45 a.m. During this time the waiter obsequiously pours drinks and fetches anything else His Greatness needs.
The final bill comes to $800. By the feudal laws of decorum, which stipulate that the affluent should administer a 20 percent gratuity, staffers figured they'd be pocketing an extra $160. But when they fetched the autographed bill after His Heinousness bolted back to Akron, their expectation turned to disbelief, then anger.
LeBron stiffed them with a meager $10 tip. This is what French nobles like to call your requisite Bourgeois Bitch-Slap. The waiter wouldn't even take it, tired of being shat on by guys like LeBron."
LeBron "Super Millionaire" James. I love the stories of the poor athlete/whatever who had nothing growing up, then matures into a super-rich sports world and stiffs the working man/woman every chance he gets. Are all athletes like that? No, of course not. Tiger Woods gives pretty much hands out sacks of money to charities and probably has like 4 Tiger Woods Foundations by now. But Tiger just keeps getting hit in the head with gold bricks cause he dominates his sport so hard.
If you like Jackie Chan, and seriously, who doesn't? Check this out:
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The most informative/hilarious thing I found out from that clip is that in Legend of Drunken Master, the bad guy was Jackie Chan's real life bodyguard. Why the fuck would Jackie Chan need a bodyguard? Who the fuck is gonna mess with Jackie Chan? I think I have that movie around here somewhere, one of the reasons I got it was because of that fight. The bad guy's kicks are awesome.
And lastly, I'm just checkin the usual spots and I find my favorite scene from Horton Hears a Who:
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I will make monkeys of these monkeys. It is their destiny.