Dec 24, 2007 01:47
Care to take a guess at who is the stupidest person you know? Well if you said anyone other than Richard Nettles, you're wrong. I'll tell you why.
I have an HD TV, I remember how excited I was when I got the HD receiver from Cox. And when I flipped to the HD channels, it was different, more defined and such. So I was happy. But it was discovered tonight that I had not been watching true HD. The HD cables plug into one of three AV channels on the back of the TV, but I had always believed the cable receiving channel was channel 4 on the TV itself, something left over from the pre-HD era.
But to my shock, when trying to hook up the HD cables I bought for the Wii today, it was discovered that for ultimate HD, the TV had to be on the AV channel the receivers plugs were plugged into. Duh, right? Right. I'm stupid. Stupid. So fuckin stupid.
I had always had a sneaking suspicion that what I was watching was somehow wrong. Though the HD channels were clearly better than the regular ones, the image wasn't as crisp as I remember. I secretly hated myself for purchasing an inferior TV, which is what I believed to be the problem. But that's all fixed. And the Wii games look super awesome with the HD cables, the only problem is the color scheme seems to be off and there are red lines that run through the screen every now and then. Maybe because I bought the cheapest cables I could find, they were 25 dollars. After Christmas, I'm gonna get the super-duper 60 dollar cables and see if it improves.
If you've ever wanted to tell me how stupid I am or how much I suck, please do. I deserve it.
How. Stupid. Am. I?
Merry Christmas, everyone. We'll rock out before the year ends.