Dusting Off The Relics From Times Past. . .

Apr 20, 2010 13:35

It has been a great deal of time that has passed since I posted anything here.

I'd like to say things changed. I'd like to say I was on the up-and-up but, as my life tends to be, the strange circus continues.

I am twenty-eight and will be homeless in a week. It's an odd feeling. Watching your life unravel completely. A computer error at the college I was attending left me without a disbursement, kicked me out for being less than halftime, and insured that I had no money for rent.

I'd laugh if I could.

More life for the dumpsters. Guess that's where I was meant to be, in the end. Been throwing out the furniture a bit at a time. It doesn't make any sense to me, anymore. Not that ever did.

Not that anyone cares.

I came to Savannah alone. I haven't seen a single familiar face in over eight months. No family. No friends. Just. . . me, trying to get by and trying to do something better for myself. Well, if nothing else, at least no one sees the dream slipping by me except myself.

I'm sitting in the parking lot of a McDonald's, piggybacking the wi-fi to research shelters. Anyone know of decent ones in the Savannah area?

life, shelter research, homeless

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