Nov 16, 2005 17:34
Sorry about that title I was just looking to fill in the box up there...if you were looking for some serious Zingadinga, you'll need to look elsewhere.
As I was watching TRL i noticed something. First, I don't care how good she may look for her age, Madonna's pasty white legs are fucking gross in her video. Second, if people who annoy me as much as Lindsay Lohan and Ashlee Simpson can make music that doesn't make me want to kill myself 3 seconds into the song, why can't Hillary Duff. I mean seriously wtf she used to be my favorite teeny-bopper. Third, why the fuck are "The Ghost of you" by My Chemical Romance and "Petrified" by Fort Minor not on the fucking countdown? Both of those songs are sick and the video for Ghost of You is awesome. Finally, the new Fallout Boy song makes me hate them alot less than the other one did even though that dude doesn't sing in English. "We're going downtown labbalabba lab lab and sugar we're going down swingin labba lalala labba labba a loaded gun complex cock it and pull it" Wtf is that you red headed motherfucker? Its prolly cuz he's from Canada...wierdos.
That pony tailed motherfucker in the Alfred State commercial is embarassing. I bet people see that commercial and go "wow I'm NOT going to that school if I'll end up like that kid."