As some of you know, Ive been terrorizing for some time, and letting people know just how horrid they look. I ran into some drama with the person that started the site, so I decided to take it down a bit, play with their forums, and point out spookyhotties crappiness. See on the boys side it seems that many people down vote each other and such in order to move their own names up. Lame, b/c who wants to be #1 with out really being #1. It is just silly. Therefore, I decided to post the happenings of the forum starting from my fight on gay down voting.
Down voting
is gay. This site would rock a hell of a lot more if it was like, and had the one vote per person deal. I mean really tonight it seems that someone went insane down voting all the boys on the site. More then likely one down voted another, and then that one down voted a few others to get themself higher. Which is just ultra gay. Oh well haha keep down voting, bc itonly going to bring your score lower as well morons.
Pineapple skank
Just a question ... why are you always so interested in how people vote? I have read several posts from you about this subject and frankly, Isick of hearing you whine.
You also tend to put down this site alot with a huge assortment of childish put downs, racial slurs, and incoherent ramblingsUmmm, common sense says that if you donlike it - Donlet the door hit ya on the ass on the way out!
Me again
My look at the switch...
My guess is i have made fun of a friend of yours. Boo hoo for you. As for the down voting comments that i have made.
Don't you think it is a tad odd that the highest male score is 5.2473? It's become hella clear to me that its b/c people keep down voting each other in order to reach the top. Not that it really matters being that this is only the internet, but someone has to point it out. Its not like it's only happening to me, b/c if that was the case then everyone else score would be just lovely. Lets look at Mr. Psycho Magnet for example. From the top of the list to the very bottom in what a day, or even less? Looking at this boy, I see no reason for an army of zeros to come his way. When i look at some of the names above him I can't help, but think that some of the voting in this site is shady. I'm just trying to help open some peoples eyes!!!!
For you Down voters
You are just doing harm to your own score when down voting others. In addition, really who wants to be high on a list, b/c they voted themselves up, and others down? What satisfaction do you get out of that? It's not like other people think you're hot, so why even do it?
hehehe as for me leaving
When I see it fit to leave, but as of right now I think, Ill free up some spots on the top 12 in order to be fair, and remove 3 of my images. Ok well not all 3, but 2out of the 4. I cant let my comments go on electromassacre, but ShadesOfVanity will be my new handle. As for Stukas Im Visier, and RagingJigglyPuff. I'll remove both.
Just for you
As for the walking pineapple that left me, the nice post. You are very lucky that you in fact kissed my ass early in my rants on everyone, bc dear you and your cyber glow worm look doesn't work for you. In the words of Gillette "No matter what you wear your face doesn't match. I don't think you were born you had to be hatched"
Do what you will. If i get kicked off this site for this post then so be it.
that's the end so far hee hee!