Apr 26, 2010 21:30
why do you come here
stilli feel dozy & spacecake eyes. i am not here, why are you
hereis where the world collides, i am away. loved without lies, a welcome change. there is a
smellof roses like what? why are you
himthe wild grows vicious like a broken storm.
what are you still saying?
about me
was someone
he was
i loved
not him, you. always you.
fit together.
this is dreamspace
spend too long gazing at her reflection, waiting for it to move independently. but not how this works. a man with dirty eyes too big for his head, bulge bulge bulge.
a man without a neck his shoulders by his ears. his eyes sink back into his head, maybe a little deeper.
man with hair like snow, would you like a drink?
no thank you
no thank you
no thank you
no thank you
maybe invest in a mask, my dear, shroud your face in lace.
you aremore naked
than beforebut not anymore
the dreamer
as a disaster
in disguise.