
Jul 31, 2004 01:08

"Zhong Xiu's men were at the front gate, mounted and brandishing lances. Grabbing a sword from a nearby soldier as the enemy poured in, Dian Wei advanced and cut down twenty men. The horsemen drew back, but the foot soldiers came forward. On either side spears poked up like reeds. Armorless, Dian Wei fought on valiantly, taking scores of cuts. Then his sword cracked and he threw it aside. He picked up two of the enemy bodily and wielded them as weapons, felling eight or nine. Zhang Xiu's rebels kept thier distance and shot at him, but Dian Wei held the gate dispite the pelting arrows. Another group of soldiers burst in from behind and speared him though the back. Three or four howls broke from Dian Wei's lips. Then he expired, his blood soaking the ground where he fell. Even after he was dead, no one dared pass though the front gate."

Three Kingdoms, Chapter 16
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