Apr 22, 2005 01:07
of the longest epiphany that I think one could ever have. I ruined a perfect thing. I let him slip through my fingers slowly and didnt really realize it. Maybe I did and I didnt pay any mind to it. Now all I can do is be his friend and pretend we never had anything and watch him be happy with someone else. Maybe it really wasnt meant to be but I think that there might have been that chance. He meant a lot to me and still does but it can only be shown through friendship now. You have to take what you can get and be greatful for that and I am.
Damnit why is the human race capable of being so feeble minded?
I miss him and to those who know me, they know who it is, but to those who don't know, he will just remain him.
It literally can tear a person up inside and break a person but one must be strong. Thats all I really can be.