if this is wut happens when ur 20 i was VERY misinformed.

May 08, 2006 23:11

one of these days im gonna come back and run into every wall in all of your rooms.

all four of them.

then i'm going to take a nap like the old woman i now am.

i wear a suit to work- resourcing humans. on 53rd st and 5th ave in manhattan. i eat alot of bagels. more than you.

i also pay too much for everything. woo hoo upper east side. i make more money than you.

i've been with my boyfriend for well over a year.
he's italian. very.
he's nice, he cooks, never lets me pay for a damn thing, and me and his mom are best friends.
we say the L word and he doesnt have to force me to cuddle as much anymore. i also get more, and much better lovin than you.

i take public transportation more than you. and i run to work everyday because im still late.

i like billy joel.
"Fuck You" is only 1% of my vocabulary now, as opposed to the complete repetition of it just a few months ago.

my life has become 80% of every aspect i used to purposely ignore in other peoples "normal working life"
caty way gets a life and grows up.
what an oxymoron.

i like Sushi, i eat onions, go to broadway shows for free, eat lunch with my boss over real discussions, read novels, and go on vacation. i don't wear the bracelets anymore, but i still run into the street during a green light and i still put more sugar and cream than coffee in my cup.

skirts and heals are not in my cloest yet though. and that means i'm still doing something right.
it's not so bad.

im getting signed to DJ with a production group.
and i drink far more than you, but all in good fun- the other 20% of stuff is quite nice and familiar, -the psychotic Caty WiZay =)

and the bagels. oh man they're good.

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