i cant believe you didnt get THE memo!!

May 09, 2004 20:41


high-healed-mini-skirt-slut: "i cant believe i got my heals dirty"
me: "WUT!! why in the hell would you fucking wear high heals and a miniskirt to drink in the WOODS?!?!?"
high-healed-mini-skirt-slut: "ok look, i didnt get THE MEMO that i was going to be hiking down a cliff and through dirt and mud to drink a beer in the woods, OK!?"

i hate when i dont get memos.
i mean somebody definetly should have sent her the memo that there are dirt and cliffs in the woods.
i didnt send her a fucking memo.

that being said. lets keep it short and sweet.

First, i beat the shit out of some kids. (which i am officially addicted to doing.)
THEN, we got beer--(also addicted.)
NEXT, we hiked up a hill down a cliff and thru the woods. (to grandmothers house we go)
we chilled on the couch... we drank....we smoked....we fought.... i think i broke my knuckles on some kids face.... and made fun of the bitches that fell down the cliff..

MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT:..... we're calming down a lil bit... talking bout how cool the 80s cartoons used to be....
then there's a light behind us...
so i turn the flashlight on, with the beer in my hand, swing around and shine the light in his eyes .... "who the fuck are you man"

to which the hick of a pig responds "its the po-pos! funs over kids!"

no breathalizers.
no id checks.
no rights being read.
no handcuffs.

just 7 of us in the back of a cop car. and it was god damn hilarious.
fucking small town police didnt have a clue what the hell they were doin.

and after a little small talk and smartass comments im tellin me madre HAPPY MOTHERS DAY... your car got towed and they have no proof of reasoning.

she laughed.
we went to lunch and a mothers day play, after bitchin at the fucker who toed the car.

officially gangsta.
induct me into the Gangsta Hall of Fame.

and get me a beer. bitch.
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