Dec 24, 2008 02:02
I haven't posted in here in ages and I have pretty much moved my personal journal to insanejournal at comagirly if you want to find me there. I still use this to check in on a few groups, but don't expect me to post much on here.
But just to let people know what I have been up to, I have been busy with work and life. I have a boyfriend now who I really really like a lot. His name is Darren and we have been going out for a little over a month now. I met him at one of my jobs. Besides that I am still really into Placebo, but also I am REALLLYYYYYYY into Comasoft, Femme Fatality, Innerparty System, IAMX and a bunch of other bands.
Umm, yeah, please add me on my IJ if you want to keep in touch.