Apr 15, 2007 21:26

I am writing this review on my train back to East Lansing while listening to Paolo Nutini/Kaiser Chiefs and thinking about my beyond amazing weekend of Bo and spending the weekend with the coolest chick Kate or as some of you know her

I will cut this into day by day rundown and for the ones who only want to hear the Bo parts you only need to read Day 2. I will post this to blue_americans and Placebowhores but they only get the Bo day since I don’t think they care much for my daily shit I did. *Lol*

Day 1: (Traveling to Chicago/Meeting Cheli)

Okay well this day will be very short since my train ride was very boring. I will start with me arriving to Chicago and ONTIME at that! I was very surprised since Amtrak is usually at least an hour late. But I arrived in Chicago at 4:41pm on Thursday. I had to wait until about 5:45 pm until Cheli and her friend arrived to drive me to my hostel. I was looking forward to meeting her. She is very sweet and I enjoyed the car drive with her friend and her.. Her friend drove me to boystown and showed me this one gay club called Spin. So I can now say I have seen boytown. Granted, it was only from the car but it still counts! Lol

But yeah, we drove past the House of Blues and it got me so excited for Friday. We ended up going to the Subway to eat and then they dropped me off at my Hostel. It was the Hostelling International on Congress and Wabash incase anyone wanted to know. It was very nice. The rest of my day is not the interesting. OHH, but there was a British girl in my room and an Asian British guy in the elevator and I loved just listening to them talk since English accents make me melt into a puddle of goo on the floor. *giggles* TIS SEXY DAMMIT!


Well this day is the day most of you probably care the most about. I woke up and made it to the meet up at the House of Blues but without my street team friend Noe since he slept into until 12:50 pm by mistake. *rolls eyes and laughs* Typical Noe!

But I met Jess from Sweet Prince, Christi from the Street Team. Jess is so cute and they were both really super sweet. I enjoyed having lunch with them. But, I could not stay long as I had to leave at around 1:30pm to go meet up with Kate at the Hostel. She did not get there until around 2:30. When she did I waited till she got changed and such and we made our way back to the House of Blues. I sat with her at the restaurant while she ate since she had to do the Pass the Line thing. We chatted bout Bo and internet stuff and joked around some. She is the coolest and sweetest girl and having her with me made my trip 10000000 better! 

But we finished eating and got in line around 4:00. While we were in line we go some mags and found a gay mag. Inside it was the homosexual part and Kate and I just turned to each other and broke out in laughter and thought of Stef. Tatiana, who helps run the Placebo myspace and such said we could give them stuff so Kate and I wrote the guys little letters and I sent Stef the male porno mag in hopes it would inspire them for the show. Eheh

But, yes at 6:30 we got let in and I got 2ND ROW RIGHT IN FRONT OF STEF!! The wait from 6:30-8:00 was sooooo fucktardly long. We met someone else from lj and we chatted with her. I can’t remember her lj name since it is long yeah I recognized her when she told us what her sn was.

But yeah at 8pm Evaline came on and they were good. The lead singer is such a crazy monkey/mini Jesus looking guy. He kept on running around the stage and jumping on top of his keyboard and kicking his seat over. OH and there was slash a plenty during Evaline as with the lead singer their guitarist/bassist. So that was nice. I liked them. They were sooooo much better than SWR.

Evaline got done at around 8:30 and we had to wait until 9:15 until Placebo came on.

Then and 9:15 they came on and Stef and Brian were both in all black. Brian had on his black/white dotted shirt and dark tight jeans and Stef had on a black shirt and jeans with black tap or something on it. They both looked plenty sexy though I must say Stef was pure sex that night! He was constantly making flirty eyes at about three particular guys during the gig.

Brian didn’t say much in between songs but I could care less. I came to hear them play and play they did!! They were so incredibly and while there was no huge slash there was lots of mini-slash. You can read about all of that on Kate’s review as she described them quite well but my favorite one was when Stef ‘stalked’ Brian and shuffled his way over to him. It was like a predator stalking its prey.

Oh and THEY PLAYED I KNOW! When the first few chords came on we looked at each other in a very fangirly giddy fashion. We grabbed each others hands very tightly during the entire song and it was the most beautiful song ever!! I also LOVEDDDD Special Needs and WYIN since I didn’t get to hear those last time; Bionic was loverly too I must say but I know and Special Needs really affected me and touched me the most.

They played until 10:30 and I was sort of bummed they didn’t play Blind or Space Monkey since they played them in NYC! Fucking NYC gets everything I swear!!

After the gig we met up with our whole group again but not Sera or Shannon since they had a really early flight to Dallas the next day to see Placebo at Edgefest and Noe had to leave to catch the train back home. I met a really cool chick from Sweet Prince. I think her sn is Moloko but I am not online to check atm. I actually met her que but I didn’t find out who she was until after the gig when she told us.

Kate, Jess, Christi and I tried to find the guys’ bus but they were tricky bastards since they hid it in a secret underground parking thing. We relaxed for a while until Kate and I finally left to walk back about 12:00. OH and despite what I heard bout cameras lots of people were taking pictures! Christi for instance got about 200 of them and hopefully she will get them up soon after she puts her name on all of them.

Day 3: (Sightseeing with Kate around Chicago)

I probably just lost 80% of you now after my Placebo review is over and if you are still reading I congratulate you! I am known for my long reviews so I apologize but what can I do?

Well Kate and I got up and got dressed to go out around Chicago. We were supposed to go with Noe but he forgot to pay his cell phone bill so it got cut off.

But, we walked down to Millennium Park and took pic-a-tures. There was this cool silver egg thingy. It is SOOOO tripy when you stand under it. Kate took pictures and she will post them soon and when you see them you will know what I am talking about. But yeah after we saw that we walked down to Michigan Ave. and spent the rest of the day shopping. I took her to the Virgin Megastore since she wanted to buy the reissue of Meds and we wasted a good amount of time there. We went to H&M since I don’t have that in Michigan and umm, I took her to Giodiano’s for stuffed crust pizza which was really good. We went to way more places but those are the notable ones atm.

We made our way back to the hostel and after dropping off our stuff and relaxing we listened to some music on my computer and we watched The Mighty Boosh live DVD together. After that we went back to our room and she pulled out her spiffy video ipod and it was her turn to play me music!! She introduced me to the wonder that is Elliot Smith and I will try to go looking for some of his stuff as soon as I get back to my room..

But yeah the rest of the day is not that interesting so I will leave day 3 there.

Day 4 (I say goodbye to Kate *tear and waves bye*

Today was not that notable for you guys so I won’t say much of anything here but that Kate is such the sweetest, funniest, kindest and just all around fabbiest person ever and I am soooooooo happy I got to spend this trip with her. To everyone who hasn’t met her yet you are missing out!! It was so sad saying bye to her, but I have her number and we will def. talk on the phone tons while she is in the states.
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