
May 18, 2007 02:06

Drew, Jourdan and I were talking politics tonight. Naturally we got onto the topic of what Drew would do if he had his own country, and the way the government would work etc.

Anyhoo, we got into a debate about whether or not the government should have any power other then protecting the people. Specifically we got onto the subject of drunk drivers and how drunk driving would be legal, but when you have an accident regarldess of what you hit, the punishment would be severe to the degree of 30+ years.

My question for all of you is this:

If you were a cop and you see a person driving drunk to the point that they are all over the road, should it be legal for you to pull them over and stop them before they potentionaly kill someone or themselves. Or should you be required to do nothing until they hit something.

Let's say you follow the car home, and along the way he moves into oncoming traffic and hits a car killing a family. Are you the cop not at fault for your indifference. I understand that under the law it's legal to drive drunk in this scenario. But from an ethical and moral standpoint, are you not at fault for allowing it to happen?

Another question is, would you feel bad knowing that you could have prevented it? If the answer is yes then you know in your heart that you share the blame with the drunk driver, and if you dont feel regret.......your beyond fracked in the head.

Interested to see where the rest of you stand or if im the only one who thinks the idea of drunk driving being legal as pure insanity and chaos.
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