So, I'm sure this can't be considered a "fad" since it's been around for forever, but I am going to attempt a 101 in 1,001 list!
The rules, they are simple.
The Mission:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.
The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).
Why 1001 Days?
Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as New Year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.
Start Date: Wednesday, June 3, 2009
End Date: Wednesday, February 29, 2012
For me
1. Buy one book at Barnes and Noble every month (0/33)
2. Buy a really gorgeous journal
3. Write in my journal once every day
4. Have a La Diosa girls’ night once every three months (0/11)
5. Get 10 pedicures (0/10)
6. Get 5 manicures (0/5)
7. Get a pet
8. Go to visit Christine and Alex in PA
9. Go to the beach
10. Join some outside club or group (at the gym, book club, church group, something)
11. Order at least 5 desserts at a restaurant (0/5)
12. Get highlights 3 times (0/3)
13. Determine my 3 favorite wines
14. Have Meghan Bias draw me… nekkid!
15. Learn to knit
16. Buy 2 dresses from (0/2)
17. Get second tattoo!
18. Go to one out-of-town concert
For my mind
19. Watch 10 documentaries (0/10)
20. Buy and read one used Spanish or Portuguese book on Amazon every two months (0/17)
21. Read BBC daily
22. Read at least 4 (well-researched) books about Latin American politics (0/4)
23. Read at least 4 (well-researched) books about the Middle East, Israel or Palestine (0/4)
24. Watch the news at least once a week
25. Write 100,000 words of fiction (0/100,000)
26. Read at 2 (auto)biographies (0/2)
For my soul
27. Read a passage from the Bible daily.
28. Pray every night.
29. Go to church at least once a month (0/33)
30. Read at least 4 (well-researched) books about Christianity
31. Read at least 4 (well-researched) books about Islam
32. Have at least half an hour of quiet time every day
33. Go one week without swearing
34. Successfully give up something for each Lent (0/2)
For my marriage (to be!)
35. Go to marriage counseling at for one round of sessions after the wedding (0/1)
36. Say a prayer about our relationship before I go to bed each night
37. Affirm Nathan (to him and others) as often as possible
38. Go on a real date once a month (0/33)
39. Kiss every night before going to bed (kisses may be sent by phone in the event of separation)
40. Take a walk together once a month (0/33)
41. Take a trip together
42. Get engagement photos taken with Nat
43. Write an encouraging note for Nat every week
44. Register for wedding gifts
45. Collaborate with Nat/write my wedding vows
46. Go to a national park together
47. Do not raise my voice for 1 week
48. Have Bonnie make Nat’s wedding ring
49. This one’s a secret :)
For my health
50. Keep at least two bags of frozen fruit in my freezer for snacks at all times
51. Do SOMETHING active (at least 30 minutes of serious moving) three times a week
52. Do one of my workout videos at least 2 times a week
53. No more soda, not even diet.
54. Cook at home as often as possible.
55. Breast exam once a month (0/33)
56. Drink at least 32 ounces of water a day
57. Limit myself to 1 piece of bread if I am at a restaurant
58. Get one massage (0/1)
59. Avoid fast food for one month
60. Try 25 new recipes (0/25)
61. Never drink more than 3 beers in one sitting
For my wallet
62. Pay off my credit card by December 1, 2010
63. Save change I have/find for 1,001 days
64. Use coupons on a least 5 grocery shopping trips (0/5)
65. Have at least one garage sale (0/1)
66. Track spending habits for one month
For my family
67. Write at least one letter per month to Chelsea at college (0/33)
68. Talk to Katelyn on the phone once a month (0/33)
69. Call Mom at least once a week
70. Call Christine at least once a week
71. E-mail Elaine at least once a week
72. Have coffee or a meal with Craig and Andi at least once a month (0/33)
73. Call the grandparents at least once a month (0/33)
74. Write a letter thanking Mom for everything before the wedding
For others
75. Donate 10,000 grains of rice on (0/10,000)
76. Donate clothes to Goodwill once every 6 months (0/5)
77. Offer to baby sit for Carl and Sarah at least 5 times (0/5)
78. Donate at least $200 to SPCA
79. Host people at our home at least 4 times (0/4)
80. Volunteer somewhere (homeless shelter/Ranching Heritage Center/The Haven) 5 times (0/5)
81. Write thank you notes for our wedding gifts
82. 5 random acts of kindness (0/5)
83. Leave a waiter a $25 tip
84. Buy a dress for Pixel to wear to the wedding
85. Buy a dress for Keely to wear to the wedding
For our home
86. Find a house we love to rent (must have: decent kitchen, good sized yard, at least one big tree, 1.5+ bathrooms)
87. Sweep/mop all applicable surfaces once every two weeks
88. REALLY clean the bathroom(s) once a month
89. REALLY clean the kitchen once every two weeks
90. Buy one new kitchen appliance/dish every two months (0/16)
91. Vacuum once a week
92. Buy 10 frames/put photos in them (0/10)
93. Buy 4 home décor items I love (0/4)
94. Blow up my Spain postcards and have them framed
95. Dust once a month
96. Print/frame my Giralda snapshot
For our future
97. Put at least $300 dollars into House-Fund each month (subject to change when I find out how much I make)
98. Find at least 5 options for places where Nat and I can work (me) and go to school (him) (0/5)
99. Save money for a big vacation with Nat
For the environment
100. Get a big reusable bag for shopping OTHER than at United and USE IT
101. Start collecting things to take to the recycling center.