Aug 21, 2004 13:06
In this realm, we without any forethought, plunge forward. The passage of time like a dash through tall grasses. All roads lead to the mower at points not expected. And those with the noblest paths set before them find themselves prostrate below the sickle, not unlike the wicked.
It is times like these that God speaks to those who are willing to listen, and I, in my spiritual hunger and desire, have been hungering to hear from God like never before. Nothing means more to me than His will. Everything that God has ever done in the history of human existance has been an act to draw near to His people and it breaks my heart that we as His children so often forget what it is like to be cheated on.
The Lord is faithful and is always early when we agree to meet Him somewhere, but He is stood up daily. We know as humans that rejection, no matter how many times it happens, never makes the rejected feel anything else but the deepest of sorrows.
And He is always early.
So may the sunrise bring hope where it once was forgotten.
Spoken words like moonlight... Yours is the voice I want to hear.