Dead Cars Don't Drive

Jul 02, 2022 16:29

What a shit day for my girl.
She had this day planned out for her and her daughter to go to a protest march. She (daughter, 20) spent the night, hung out, and next day made a couple great protest signs. My gf even wore a "dead men don't rape" shirt, with a photo of Aileen Wuornos. She ordered it like a week ago.
Well fuck all those plans, cuz driving to the protest, her car leaked coolant and had to be towed. Not exactly a great culmination of all this forethought.
I got her daughter a CCR record today. It seems a trifling empty gesture now, given the events that transpired. Today was supposed to mean something. Now, it just means stress and worry and disappointment.

Sidenote: been off LJ for so long, I forgot how to add an image via HTML
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