What the f*ck is wrong with me?

Nov 10, 2008 14:40

Why, WHY did I ever think it was a good idea to register to run a full marathon in January?


I thought I could USE THE EXERCISE, that's why.

I'm not sure why the prospect of a half marathon slipped my mind completely. Did I not think I'd exercise enough if my weekly long runs averaged about two hours? Did I think that was somehow insufficient?

What I failed to consider when I registered for the Disney Marathon, which I will be running on January 11th, was the fact that 26.2 miles is a lot of running to do at one time. I failed to consider that training for a marathon requires long runs that range between 12 and 20 miles, depending on the week.

Perhaps most importantly, though, I neglected to think about the fact that I run pretty freaking slowly. I generally go at about an 11 minute mile when I'm running long distances. Most people who run marathons can do it faster than this, so running a marathon, for them, takes between 3 and 4 hours. For me, it'll be around 5 or 5.5. My long runs are getting longer now, so I can expect to spend about half of the usable daylight hours on one long, continuous run.

So, I repeat: What the EFF is wrong with me?

If this thing was not at Disney World, I doubt I'd be motivated to keep training. Not that I've been motivated to train anyway...I took two weeks off, and I FELT it on Saturday for my long run. Only ten miles (yes, ONLY ten miles) and I could barely move another step at the end. This weekend I'm running 15, which will be the furthest I've ever run in my life, and I have no flipping idea how I'm going to get through it.

Incidentally, there is still room for one, maybe two more people in the Orlando hotel room!

0 to 10 mile challenge

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