So, I'm going to be contributing to a new blog that will be starting up next week: The general idea is that those of us writing for the blog make some kind of life change for two weeks, then blog about it. It should be pretty interesting; we have a variety of different voices and perspectives working on this.
We haven't begun any projects yet (and are still discussing possible debut 2weekers), but I figured I'd throw the topic out to the blogosphere and see if you all had any interesting suggestions. I've got some of the most brilliant, twisted creative minds on the planet on my LJ friends list, so who better to ask?
An example of a 2weeker would be to write a letter every day for two weeks.
The rules/limits of the 2weekers are:
* None of the changes can endanger oneself or others.
* None of the changes can pose challenges to ones livelihood.
* None of the changes can cost significantly more than what one currently spends.
* All of the changes must be achievable in some form by most individuals.
So...what do you think? My idea of "sleep with a new person every day for two weeks" might violate some of these rules.