A rare political post from me

Feb 29, 2012 11:42

Very few things get me riled up enough to post about politics. Sure, I have opinions and I know why I vote for who I vote for, but I don't really like to talk about politics. I don't find it interesting, I'm not very good with debate, and I don't actually know a whole lot so I tend to just shut up about it.

But this has been bugging me on fb the last couple days, and instead of causing drama for the people actually posting, I'm just gonna rant here. I wish I had more confidence to actually say something to these people, but trying to convince someone of an opposing political viewpoint is like screaming into a vacuum anyway. Totally pointless and would only serve to raise my blood pressure and waste time, so whatever.

Anyway, I've been seeing this picture reposted a few times:

What bothers me about this, is this:

It's this kind of misleading crap that people see, believe and repost when they forget that gas prices actually spiked over $4.00 in 2008, shortly before election time (I'd be surprised if something similar doesn't happen this year, but I guess circumstances can always be a little different, so I don't know). But it appears that a very similar trend was happening in 2007-2008 that is happening now. Except, let's conveniently leave that part out and just talk about that one brief period where it was really low again... yes, let's blame everything on Obama, even though the same thing happened with GWB in office. Of course, Republicans would probably have something else to blame it on, then. WTF?!

On top of that, I find it utterly mind-boggling that this, or frankly any monetary issues, is more important to some people that other major social issues. Because of gas prices, I'm being encouraged to vote for someone who wants to strip this country of freedom, namely religious freedom (or lack thereof, if that's your cuppa)?? WHAT? I mean, that's all that's available in the GOP race AFAIK. I understand SOME points of Republicans. I'm not purely any particular party, in fact, I do tend to be more conservative when it comes to financial issues, but I very much value social issues over financial issues, and that's why I tend to vote democratic. There are democratic policies I don't like, too, but I can't have both so I have to pick what I find more important. It just blows my mind that people would vote for someone based on this shit.

I don't have much to say other than this.

I don't really know a whole lot of facts (see beginning of this post) so I'm sure there are many things people could point out that he has done that aren't all that great, or things he hasn't done that he said he would, but are these people forgetting that EVERY FREAKING PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE DOES THIS? It's all part of the role. How come everytime it happens, people are SHOCKED and APPALLED that he hasn't fulfilled every freaking thing he said? IT'S POLITICS, YOU TURDS. THAT'S HOW IT WORKS. Surprise, I know. All in all, I value what he HAS done and I will be voting Obama again in November.

That is all. Just wanted to get that off my chest.
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