Jun 12, 2005 09:52
I dont think Im ever going to have internet again. One day its there, the VERY NEXT the whole computer crashes. My dad has just realized that we need a new computer. WOW! you think he would have realized that the 12th time we had to re-format it! Speaking of my dad...yesterday was his bday. I didnt speak to him at all. And nor do i plan on it. I got him a cute shirt with a bunch of shit dads say. Like "Im not made of money" and so on. So I give him the shirt and the hat i got him, and he looks me in the face and says, why did you buy this? Im never going to wear this. He can wear a fucking JUMP ROPE FOR HEART shirt that he got from school but wont wear something that says "DAD" on it.
I hate fake tanner!!! I got the stuff you spray on and now i look like a leper!!
i hope everything is okay with me...