FIC: Countdown - Chapter 3

May 30, 2009 18:49

Title: Countdown
Author: LiquidFyre
Chapter: 3
Rating:  PG-13
Summary:   Days 3-7 of Uhura’s absence
Disclaimer: The characters in this work belong to Paramount, Gene Roddenberry, etc.  Not me.
Author's Notes:  Thank you for the feedback.  This is a great community.

Day 3:

Sulu and Mr. Scott whispered conspiratorially, plotting their next move.

“Gentlemen, if you plan to move your rook, you must do it now.”

“Don’t rush me, Mr. Spock”

“And keep in mind that despite not feeling well, I am not mentally impaired and am able to find at least six moves that will allow me to win this game.”

At their guilty look Kirk laughed and they turned to him.  “Vulcans have excellent hearing, men.”

He checked the communications center once, before retiring for the night.

You have no messages.

Day 5:
Spock had to drag himself out of bed and in passing noted that his pallor seemed off.

He avoided the communications system altogether.

Day 7:
You look like hell, Spock.  Are you coming down with something?

“No, I am merely tired, Doctor McCoy”

“Are you sure?  I’m guessing it’s a case of Rigelian fever.  They just had an outbreak on Rigel II.  Come on down to sickbay.”

“No thank you, Doctor.  As the only cure for Rigelian fever is Ryetalyn, and that mineral is rather rare, it would be pointless for me to join you in sickbay.”

Doctor McCoy approached him.  “Let me just take your temperature.”

Spock sighed, “Very well.”
Doctor McCoy placed the back of his hand against Mr. Spock’s forehead and pulled it away immediately.

“What the hell was that!?”

He could swear that Spock’s lips curled into a grin.

“Vulcans are touch telepaths, Doctor.”

“You should warn people about that.”

“As a trained medical professional, assigned to a Starfleet crew, I would have expected you to be familiar with the physiology of any number of life forms, Doctor.”

Doctor McCoy mumbled under his breath.

“That would be incorrect, Doctor.  My parents were married and I believe that effectively negates the use of that term when applied to me.”

“In any case, your forehead feels a bit hot.”

“That is no doubt my normal body temperature, Doctor.”  He turned to the Captain.  “Perhaps it would be beneficial for the medical crew to attend refresher training on other life forms, Captain.”  He turned and walked to the turbolift.

“Now wait a minute.”

Captain Kirk held up his hand.  “You brought it on yourself, Bones.”

His door chimed and Spock granted permission for access.

He stood.  “Captain, is something wrong.”

“No, I just wanted to see if you were okay.  Bones is right, you look like hell.”

“As I assured the Doctor, I’m fine, Captain.”

Kirk turned away as if to leave.

“I am not finding sleep restorative.”

“I thought Vulcans could go without sleeping.”

“For a period of time, we can.  However, I am half human and do require some sleep.”

“Maybe Bones could give you something to help.”

“I do not wish to enter an artificial sleep, Captain.”

“Spock, I need you able to function.  If that means taking something.”

“Vulcans react strongly to stimulants and depressants, Captain.  It would not be advisable.”

Kirk realized that there was a great deal he didn’t know about his First Officer.

“Is there something you would like to talk about?”

Spock cocked his head, “I do not believe so.”

“If you change your mind, you know where to find me.”

“As we all do, Captain.”

Kirk rolled his eyes.

“By the way, we received a message from Starfleet today.  Lt. Uhura’s shuttle will rendezvous with the Enterprise tomorrow.  It will be good to have her back onboard.  I don’t know that I believed Ensign Crowder when he told me that the subspace message he intercepted from the Romulan ship said Lost Dog - Reward Offered.”

“Goodnight, Spock.”

“Goodnight, Jim.”

Weariness overtook him and he stretched out on the bed, welcoming his dreams once more:

In the darkness, he studied her as she leaned lightly against his chest.

“And this?”  She stroked a finger over his eyebrow.


“And this?”  She leaned forward and rubbed her nose against his strong jaw.


“And this?”  She licked his collarbone, grown used to the absence of sweat on his skin.


“And this?”  her tongue traced circles around his areola.  She smiled as he sighed followed by a strong hand at the back of her head as she nipped him gently then suckled.
“Kur-kuv, thasek-gonaf”

She stroked his stomach before dipping her hand into the top of his pants.  She tugged lightly on the fine hair and grazed his sex.

“Kroykah, Nyota!”

She momentarily ceased her exploration at this command but before she could resume, she was flipped onto her back.

She cradled him between her thighs, his sex pressing against hers, both still encased in fabric.  He rubbed against her as she placed her hands on either side of his face, pulling him down for a light kiss, followed by stroking his lips with her tongue.

He touched his forehead to hers, his voice rough as he whispered, “t’hai’la, Aitlu”


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