Another extremely long survey

Jan 09, 2005 12:36

.... Again, I am bored.... i already wrote once today, So here is an extremely long survey.... u dont have to read it, It just took up time.

Name: Jacqui
Date of birth: June 23 88
… That makes you how old: 16
-- And your zodiac sign is: Cancer
Where you live: Kenmore
Gender: Girl
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Hazel
Skin color: Tanish
Height: 5’7
Sexuality: Straight
Shoe size: 8 1/2
Religion: Roman Catholic

Do you have… (Yes or No.)

Glasses/ contacts? nope
Dyed hair? Yes
Freckles? Nope
Scars? Yupp > " our scars remind us that our past is real"
… If so, from what and where: To many to count, to many memories to remember

Piercings? Yep
… If so, where: My ears and my Eyebrow

Tattoos? Def. Want one
… If so, where and of what: Something cute like a design with initials worked into it.

Pets? NO! She died :(
… What? (Names?)

Siblings? yes
… Name and age: James-14

A birthmark? Yes
… Where? Across the lower left 1/2 of my back lol

Have you ever…

Done drugs? No
… What was the reason? Dangerous
Smoked anything? Unfortunitly, Never again
Drank alcohol? Yes :)
Been drunk? Hell yes
… Thrown up because of it: LMAO, 15th b-day party.... but we wont get into that
… Had a hangover: ONE
Had a boyfriend/ girlfriend? Yes
Been kissed? Yes
Made out? Yes
Had sex? Yes
Stolen from a friend? No
… What and why: Um i didnt?
Stolen from a store? Yes
… What: Ummm my whole 7th grade wardrobe
Lied about something important? Nothing life or death
… What: ?
Lied about something and had to stick to the lie? Yes
… What: ....i mean nothing, it all really happened
Mutilated your body in some form (cutting, burning, ect.)? Once, it was a mistake and i will never do it again
Gone to a therapist? No, But i probably should
… What for:
Gone to a wake? Yes
Gone to a funeral? Yes
… Who’s: My Grandma, grandpa's, great grandmas.... close family friend.... Uncles mom
Gone to church? Yes
… Do it regularly: No, I should.... but i dont.
Been in a wedding? Yes
Swam in the ocean? Yes
Eaten sushi? Helllll no, crazy japanese ppl
Eaten dog or cat food when you were younger… or older? No, Thats gross, But we made ashley beard do it one year at Ashley Alberts party lol
Laughed so hard you’ve cried? Yes, All the time
Blew any liquid (milk, soda, whatever) out of your nose? Yes, It burns like a mother fucker
Run away from home? Um, Not that i can remember....ive thought about it, but my mom would prolly kill me lol
Been in love? Yes, i am right now
Had a broken heart? Unfortunitly
Broken someone else’s heart? Yes :-\
Broken or sprained a bone or muscle? Sprained yes, broke no
… How and what: Sports, tripping haha
Cried over something someone said about you? Yes, And i hope each and everyone of them rotts in hell O:-) thanks
Burped and tasted vomit (also known as a “vurp”)? Yes, Its fucking nasty
Picked your nose? Im sure i did when i was little lol, just like everyone else
Swore? Hell yes
… At your friends? Yep
… At your parents? All the time
Prayed? Yes, when im sad
Cooked a meal? Chicken dinner babi, it was madd good too :)
Written poetry? Yes, Only when im sad thoe.... or overwhealmed with some sort of feeling
Been in a fistfight? Ya huh
Masturbated? Umm, Thats a little personal ;-) hahahahaha jk
Had feelings for a friend as more than a friend? Yes, A while ago
… Told them? yes
Been in lust? Um no, im not that sexual here people.
Used someone? As in a guy? no.
Been on a roller coaster? Yes!
Taken a taxi? Um i would if i wanted to commit suicide, taxis are dangerous around here
Rock climbed? Hell fuckin no
Been to a concert? Yes :)

Gum flavor: NOT winterfresh,.... i like that cherry eclipse stuff, it tastes like medicine at first, but afterwards its good lol
Website: .... i like to see how people interpret things
Animal: Dolphin and monkey
Sock color: I like my multi colored toe socks, but white works with everything
Car: Convertable, babyblue tinted, white hood.... i will fucking get it.
Book: out of the dust
Ice cream: Orange cream.... like the creamcicles, MMMM....and cherry panda paws
Color: Light Yellow, babi blue
Season: Summer , the only season that makes me happi
Sport to play: Tennis lol .... only the way me al cort and kathi play thoe.... and when i play with aaron
… To watch: Hockey
Holiday: Christmas and valentines day
Day of the week: Saturday
Possession: My rings, and my reindeer.... and my sterio
Card game: Bullshit of course lol
Board game: Monopoly takes FOREVER.... how about candyland

On the perfect guy Let’s face it… looks DO matter to at least some extent.

Hair color: I like Black hair, But Light brown works too ;-)

Long hair or short? Long to an extent.... If it is like, shoulder length and shit, no

Curly or not? Both

Shaved, stubble, or hairy? Shaved, shaved andddd shaved.... buut they cant be all they time, so Stubble is ok too ;-)

Eye color: Blue/silver
Muscles or not? Doesnt really matter to me

Thin or chubby? chubby. its cute, and being too scrawny is just sick
Tall or short? Taller than me

Piercings? Yes....dont have to thoe
… Where: Lip O:-) , tounge could serve a pourpose, But it hurts to get it done so... ek.

Tattoos? Yes
..... But, its all irrelevant.... i already found him <3 i love you

Can you…

Swim? Yes
Ride a bike? Yes, id hope so
Tie your shoes? no i still wear velcro.... um ya
Roll your tongue? NO! i hate everyone who can
Lick your nose? No :( not fair
Skateboard? No, but i try :)
Surf? Hellll no.... i can boogie board thats fun :)
Roller blade or roller-skate? yes
Touch your foot to your nose? Yes, Im suprise what i can do with my legs lol
Cry on command? Yes :).... not ball my eyes out, but i can work it
Lie without feeling guilty? No, not what-so-ever
Play an instrument? yes, 2
Handle rejection well? I dont think anyone does....and if they say they do, they lie.
Raise one eyebrow? No lol, ive tried
Burp on command? Yes, ha
Fart on command? No, and i wouldnt want to lol
Sneeze on command? No, My nose has to tickle
Wiggle your ears? No, Thats funnie to watch thoe
Cross your eyes? Yes
Drive? yes
Speak another language? Spanish, to an extent
Program a car radio? Yea, im not effing retarded
Admit when you’re wrong? Depends on what its about.... usualy i can, unles i rele think im right lol
Go a month without TV? Yes, i usualy do anyways
…Videogames? Never play them
Public speak well? Ive gotten better in class, but i still HATE it
Sing in front of others? NO NO NO NO NO..... i have 4 times.... otherwise NO, did i get my point across, I am in may thoe bc Aaron Wants me to
Color in side the lines? No, My 4 year old cousin has to teach me....ya
Show affection in public? Not rauchified affection lol
…To girlfriends/boyfriends? As long as its not to extreme
… To parents? no, hardly do that in the privacy of my own home lol
Do a cartwheel? yes
Do a split? Used to be able to, i can almost do it again
Go more than a day without showering? Yep
Control your dreams? I wish..... we all knoe what id be dreaming about ;-)..... eating, You perverts....haha jk
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