Jewellery making - invisible beading wire

Jul 24, 2005 20:53

I was going to post the following over at craftgrrl_uk:I feel silly asking this because it's something I should know, but I'm only new to jewellery making so I hope you'll be forgiving. :)

You know those necklaces where the beads are on very thin wire so that the beads look like they're suspended on nothing round your neck? What's the the wire called? I'd like to know where I can find UK suppliers for it, but it's quite hard to look when you don't know what you're looking for!

Help much appreciated. Thanks.
But then I thought, hang on a sec, o know what I want - invisible beading wire.

So I went Googling instead.


Another day saved by Google.

FYI, it's proper name is 'nylon monfilament cord'. So now you know.
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