Jul 12, 2005 23:37
In a cute online game based on Max Barry's book Jennifer Government, I have to decide what policy the government for my nation state should accept.
Nudists Demand Time in Sun
A loose coalition of sartorially-challenged individuals known as "Let It All Hang Out" has called on the government to relax public nudity laws.
The Debate
1. "For too long, our bodies have been trapped in these prisons of cotton and polyester!" yelled protester Sue-Ann Broadside, while apparently developing a nasty case of sunburn. "We must repeal the puritanical laws that make public nudity a crime. My body--my choice to dangle!"
2. "I agree," mused sociology professor Charles Shiomi. "But I don't think the protestors are going far enough. Public nudity shouldn't be an option: it should be compulsory. Nudity is highly liberating. And it would put that disgusting "Hooters" out of business once and for all."
3. "Whoa, whoa," says noted accountant Pete Jefferson. "Are these people serious? The last thing I want to see when I'm out for a coffee is some lumbering, over-weight nudist coming down the sidewalk toward me. If people want to get naked, they can do it in the privacy of their own homes. Think of the children!"
So, what do you think? 1 or 3?
Vote now!