oh look...

May 26, 2005 08:41

Here I am blogging when chem test is like 24 hours away, and i aint prepared yet...hmmm...

Darn it... livepool wins champions league.. on penalties.... damn!... i just lost the 2 bucks i bet with my bro...

Examz been taking its toll on me... I officially found 1 white hair on my head that day... stupid examz give so much of stress... havent really been sleeping properly either, and so far lost 2kg's in weight... (New dieting technique, sit n lose weight!) :P its now been 2 weeks since it started and another 2 weeks to go... chem is like my most fearful paper... should be going to study right now, but long time dint jott down anything here... hmmm...

Feels like so long dint do any exercise... that 2 kg's i lost was most likely muscle mass, being replaced by fat... damn... Gym is like a drugs... when u stop, u feel weird, in a fatty way... lolz... I really miss playing futsol...
where's the PM8 futsol gang, sek teng, justin!!! i need to streched these long legs of mine, been stuck in my room for days, not that i get to clock many hours studying, but, there's nowhere else in the hse that i'm welcome... ex:

Dad & Mom : What are u doing down here? study already ar? go up study!!!
me: i just wanted to watch...
Mom : go up now!

lol, well its not as dramatic as that, but u get the picture... they just keep making u feel guilty... Hence i have to retreat to the safety of my room... hmmm... Btw, euro trip finished downloading, n i watched it redi... such a cool show... anyone wanna go hitch hiking around europe? haha... also watched the ring the other day... now i keep seing samara everywhere.. lol... well, better go study now... cya!
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