Feb 01, 2005 10:23
You know, Leigha's right. Things were much simpler when boys had cooties. No one was worrying about who liked whom, and no one cared if anyone was dating anyone else, and the simpler things in life were what gave you true bliss... like the lizards in the back yard... the bubbles in the warm afternoon sunshine... the slumber parties before anyone became more popular than anyone else... Life was so fulfilling back then. :::sigh::: Well, life goes on, and you grow up, and realize that many (not all) things in life revolve around sex in one form or another. No, I am not a Freudian follower, but when you really think about things... it tackles you. And there you are. Lying flat on your back with the wind knocked out of you. Nice place to be, isn't it? :) Hahaha.. anyway. Short trips back through childhood memoirs make me warm inside. :)