Nov 19, 2004 03:53
Well, there've been a lot of new things about.... which is good. I had an interview with Bath & Body Works yesterday... it went fairly well, and I should be getting a call within the next few days- positive or negative. Sam came to me the other day and offered me an unbelieveable deal on renting an apartment with him... and I can't believe it, but I turned it down. Not becase I don't platonically love him, not because I don't trust him, but simply because- I can't room with a boy. This sucks for me, though, because most of my friends are guys, and I wouldn't mind rooming with them, just that I can't really room with my female friends....because we wouldn't get along. Rarrr.... and I was so close. Last night was the choir concert... it went fairly well.. the uniforms are killing me. They lok really good... but they are very short, and I was constantly pulling at it all night. a little snug, too, I might add. All in all, I was pleased with the performance... Jared stood next to me... I wasn't thrilled, but at the same time, I didn't care either way. Hmm... he was very complimentary of me, though. Said my hair looked good, and asked if I'd lost weight.. it was weird. Nice, i mean, but weird. Hmmm... Well, I had to recover this morning from the heartattack my father gave me.. lol. He was coming in to wake me up, but maybe I was half-dreaming... but he rushed in so fast, I thought he was sleepwalking, so I half-shouted, " Dad! Dad!" and he said "Its ok, I'm just coming in to wake you up.." It was just really weird. Lol.. I had meen feeling funny lately about someone breaking in to our house, and I guess he just threw me off guard. I was wide awake, though. Hahha. Well, off to my Lab. Drive Sober. Drive Safely.