Jun 17, 2006 02:12
First totally blind computer engineer graduates in Cuba
BY ILEANA MEDINA AMARO- Granma daily staff writer-
HAVANA, June 15.-"An accessible web: a need for people with disabilities" is the title of the thesis with which Roberto Pérez de Paz, a totally blind Cuban student, today became the first computer engineering graduate on the island with that kind of limitation.
The diploma work presented by this likewise member of the National Association of the Blind opens a new dimension in Cuba in an analysis of the use of digital sites, given that it proposes the introduction of an approach to a universal design.
Extending the use of new information technology to the blind or visually impaired by breaking down cybernetic barriers, such as the indiscriminate use of settings or the absence of any description of useful actions on digital pages is another proposal of this study.
At his graduation this Thursday, Roberto Pérez de Paz, who did his five-year undergraduate course at the José Antonio Echeverría Higher Polytechnic Institute, affirmed that giving a veritable social use to these innovative techniques was the central objective of his research.
For this analysis he consulted a wide up-to-date bibliography and interviewed Cuban disabled users of national webs, which brought to light their total inaccessibility to existing formats. Another deficiency his research threw up was that the Cuban associations for persons with physical or hearing disabilities do not have digital pages, because the only techniques in the country for the use of these persons are sound-based screen readers and screen amplifiers (an increase in the size of the image). Cuba’s connection to the Internet 10 years ago opened up wide possibilities in society for the understanding and participation of all populational sectors; principally, the reinsertion of individuals with any of those disabilities.