Title: Dangerous Games
Part 9: Lockdown
Part 8: No Rest for the Wicked Dangerous Games Part 7: A chef, three servers and a bus boy Part 6: Eye of the Storm Part 5:Fate worse than Death Part 4:Blood on the AsphaltPart 3: Deep Impact Part 2: Faith in Strangers Part 1: Into the Heart of Texas Verse: Custom
Genre: Science Fiction, Adventure, Action
Location: San Antonio, Texas
Year: October 1998
Characters: Cassandra, Seth, James Gysborne, Various people
Synopsis: Cassie takes a job and ends up way over her head
When the agents stormed in the building Seth automatically pulled his memories and began fighting against the agents. Bullets whizzed through the air, but he kept pushing forward, fighting, punching, and even snapping necks until he could somehow manage to wrestle a gun away from an agent.
He was going on full on rage, blinded by his fury and flashbacks of the war. He kept shooting off rounds until he heard the click of an empty chamber. Useless he discarded it, grabbed the fork off a table and stabbed an agent in the eye.
When the water came, he was thankful it seemed to drive everybody back. But like the rest of the agents, he too suffered at the ice that impaled itself into his flesh. Although the ice melted, and he healed it didn’t stop the fact that the ice hurt like hell.
Things went from bad to worse once he lost sight of Cassie.
Cassie woke up, half lying in the window and half out of it. She still couldn’t move her body because the tranquilizer left her temporarily paralyzed. But she could hear everything, and see everything even if she couldn’t move. Her healing factor was simply a loophole she discovered after extreme stress, but it wouldn’t help speed up her metabolism to expel the tranquilizer running through her. Or would it?
Turning her eyes in Gysborne’s direction, she spoke as loud as she could, which was barley above a whisper, “Kill him!”
I can still think, my mind isn’t paralyzed, maybe I can shift and expel this stupid drug out that way. Worth a shot, because if I don’t they might actually get Seth as well!. Concentrating, she began to violently shake, but couldn’t feel her body move. Nothing happened.
Another commando came with a tranquilizer gun and aimed it at Seth. The dart him in the cheek, shoulder and stomach and within seconds he fell face down on the floor.
Cassie concentrated again, this time she found herself shifting into a violent explosion of water and once more, anybody who was near her shift would find themselves saturated with liquid. Her force was enough to startle the commando with the tranquilizer gun.
When she reformed, she was lying on her side, extremely weak from the drugs but barley able to move her limbs. She still wasn’t much help, but at least she sped up the drugs in her system. Sliding her hand on the floor, over the sticky blood of the corpses, she grabbed Ortiz’s leg and dug her nails into the woman’s bare calf.
Ortiz looked down at Cassie, with her empty gun and kicked her in the stomach before Cassie could manipulate the water in her body. I don’t know how we’re going to get out of this.
Underground Black Ops headquarters 25 miles from the Mexican Border
A single droplet of water woke Cassie from her drug-induced slumber faster than an 8.0 earthquake in the middle of the night. After blinking her eyes, she realized she still could not focus. Turning her head, she took in her surroundings through the haze of the residual drugs in her system. Lifting her arms proved futile, since restraints kept her arms and legs firmly in place. A low voltage of current kept her once more in a solid state.
She wanted to scream but the unpleasant taste of duct tape kept her from doing so, that and the armed guard with an AK-47 pointed at her. “Say one word and I’ll put some of this over your nose,” he threatened and held up the duct tape with one hand.
Between the stale scent of the prison cell and the wet blood staining her clothes, she found herself having hard time breathing. It was one of her worst fears, To have her mouth taped over and her nose partially plugged. But not hearing, in fact she could hear with distinct clarity what was going on in the cell next to her. Only a thin curtain prevented her from seeing what she already knew lay in the cell next to her. Quietly she stared at the black curtain as she listened to Gysborne on the other side.
Gysborne stood outside the 4 by 4 foot cell staring at Seth. “Mr. Rodgers, I’ve been reading up on you and still can’t figure out why you would get yourself involved with helping out this woman.”
“I have a thing for woman,” Seth said. “And I have a thing for helping anybody abused by assholes like you.”
“If you would have walked away, then you would have never gotten in this situation. But I’m a reasonable man. All I want to do is extract your DNA and I want it given to me willingly. I could torture it out of you, but that would be pointless wouldn’t it? The pain wouldn’t kill you, and with your remarkable healing power wouldn’t you have to agree it would be a waste of time?” Gysborne said.
“Something like that,” Seth said.
The guard in Cassie’s room walked over and turned a dial upping the current running through her wrists. He stared at her with a sadistic smile as he slowly continued to turn the dial until she felt her body convulse and twitch under the restraints. After a few seconds, he cut the power, and she fell forward, limp, and exhausted. Humiliated from being unable to control her body functions.
Gysborne stared at the black curtain for a few moments before turning back to Seth. “But I thought maybe you’d reconsider if the woman you spent so much time trying to protect suffered your fate. Now what do we have behind door number 3?” Gysborne walked over and pulled the cord so Seth could see what was behind the black Curtain.
The commando in the cell with her, turned the dial and once more she felt her body shake and convulse. Tears of blood seeped out of the corners of her eyes, and her ears. “She doesn’t have your healing factor and we both know what electricity can do to her. Why a few more jolts and you won’t have to worry about her being a thorn in your side anymore. So do we have a deal Seth?”