Oct 09, 2011 11:41
I don't even use LJ to really post things about my life anymore, or any online medium. I feel like all my posts are spam. On a related topic, I've discovered the joys of Spam and quinoa. A little truffle oil and salt/pepper brings it to life. Who knew processed meat could taste so good? Other life adventures include playing out for the first time in years last night.
It did not go as planned, there were a few technical issues and I magicly forgot the words to half of one of my own songs. None the less noone blatently complained about me to my face. That's good enough for today. Now that I have a set I can work on and play out though I'll start looking for bookings so hopefully I can get a second chance and do it right next time. So if you missed it, or would like to see it again please harass your local promoter to book me.
On a personal note I have been doing some MMA classes lately. FIghting is fun. Work has been stressfull but hopefully it will lead to greener pastures soon. Burningman was a fun mess, the temple was jarring this year. I need to grab a seacompression ticket pronto. Living in kirkland isn't too bad. Sometimes I really don't mind the isolation, sometimes it annoys the hell out of me. I miss my friends (that means you people who read this) and Family somedays. Well it's 11:41 AM. I guess I should go to sleep now.