livejournal vs. myspace

Apr 17, 2006 19:10

wow, I haven't used this puppy in ages. I still read it, and check stuff... but I keep forgetting to post. I also caved and got a myspace account, and there are pros and cons to both. They're both equally as retarded (sorry, is anyone offended by my use of that word?) but for different reasons. myspace is basically a really pussy way of making friends. like, you can add people you don't know because they like the same music as you, movies as you, look good, whatever, and then talk to them via myspace. but also, you can go out in the real world and meet people. everyone on my myspace (well, almost everyone) are my friends, so why would i post on their myspace's if i can just call them or hang out with them? but i've also added some bands, because they're good, but not good enough that i'd buy their album, but this way i can still listen to their tunes if i want some new music. but then a bunch of bands got greedy and took it for granted that I'd accept their friendship, so I had to deny them out of principle... i won't add just anyone, and they should know that. it's a good procrastination tool. Livejournal sucks because people get really emo like, and make posts about how their lives suck, like, the random person who had this scrolling across their LJ icon with picture of a broken heart "the truth is you could slit my throat and with my one last gasping breath i'd apologize for bleeding on your shirt" boo freaking hoo LJers. i'm 20 grand in debt, have a useless degree and am unemployed. I'd PAY for someone to slit my throat. (ouch.)
So, I dont have a job. I worked at baton rouge for 3 hours. (seriously. 3 hours. then i quit.) so now I need a job... any offers?
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