Not much, despite needing to do about 5 things.

May 22, 2014 14:22

Sometimes when I look at other people's lj's or blogs in general, I can't help but compare their content, writing style, and vocabulary especially to my own. And wow, my writing skills have downgraded horrendously. Not that I was an aspiring or decent writer beforehand, but my god it's gotten significantly worse. This, of course is probably a note to myself (as well as my brain) telling me to hit the books more, which ain't easy since I dunno what stuff out there's a great find, and the one person I know who was a semi-bookworm isn't around anymore. So I have to find things out the hard way... snooping around online. At least nowadays I can check out book reviews online and do some research rather than before where you look around a bookstore and find a book, hoping that it'll be a decent read. Well then, another thing to do when I return home.

I'm also researching on ideas on how to recycle certain items, like old jeans, bras XD, and shirts because I realized my clothing since highschool, college, and post college were... a little embarrassing. Of course I didn't start on the stuff because as of now, I have too much crap to bring home with me, so it has to wait. Or until I find an absolutely addictive craft... and the leading one as of now's the Recycled tank top bag, which I would sooooo use because I discovered that I'm addicted to bags (as long as I'm not eating them, or stealing them uncontrollably I think I'm good).

I also watched the trailer for "Fresh off the Boat" and... umm. I really REALLY am not fond of that name. It's just awful. The parents' accents come off as forced; my parents were immigrants, and their English was spot on with a sliiight accent, but not this strong. Reading some viewer comments, blugh. Several kept saying how the father wasn't attractive and the mother's forced to look old with a mom-haircut. I dunno wtf they're talking about; the entire family looked great/normal. It seemed cheesy and forced when having to bring up how "OMG SO ASIAN" they were at points, but hey, I'll support it when that stuff takes off and [hopefully] improve overtime. Asian Americans are still severely under-represented, if not misrepresented most of the time in mainstream television, so I wish this show the best.

Ooh: TIRA MISU OREOS. They taste like amazing, but sadly they're thins. As in, those "lose weight-thin" size. I really hate those, but I can always sandwich them together. They cost $1.25 per box, which is considered expensive for cookies here, so um. There was another flavor, but I might buy them later today or tomorrow.

Watched "Endless Love" last night with Sam and I still stand my view on chick flicks--don't like them. The poor, smothered rich girl enjoys her newfound love life after meeting some valet driver. They're both supposed to be highschool grads, but the dude looks older than 30. Yeesh. I did like the part when the dude punched out the dad, the car accident, and the black friend clowning on the guy. The only highlights in the movie.

Oddly enough, it was Sam who picked it out because he's the one who's bored of our typical movie genre choices (action, comedy, horror, sci-fi), but I've already had this tiff with him, that I was sick with movies altogether and we needed to do something else, like help him improve his English or him help me learn Chinese, or DRAW TOGETHER WHICH I'VE CONSTANTLY PESTERED HIM TO DO BUT HE KEEPS FORGETTING OR JUST WON'T DO IT BECAUSE HE FAVORS REALISM *punches wall*. Actually, I think I'll boycott watching movies with him altogether (we already do this separately during the daytime, why watch more at night), and try to figure out other stuff to do because we watch movies every goddamned night it drives me crazy. I've even fought with him more than once about this, and he still refuses to change.

(I like how I originally inteded to talk about a movie I watched and it shifted into a stupid rant lmao)

Oh, and the things I should be doing are my lesson plans for today (hell, I don't have classes til 5pm), more laundry, organizing/cleaning out the closets, signing some paperwork, and probably something creative, preferably drawing. It's already 2:13pm now, and I usually take a baby nap before work, so I better get crackin' on something.
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