Never make someone a priority if you are merely an option to them.

Jul 17, 2009 18:27

Today, a girl with whom I used to be exceptionally close friends broke the straw on this camel's back. We haven't really spoken much in a couple of years. In fact, at one point, I changed my Facebook account due to some "stalker-like" activity and, somehow, her name hadn't managed to translate onto my new friends list. However, this young woman sought me out and requested friendship, which I accepted, despite being a little stunned that she'd seek me out in the first place.

This afternoon, I noticed that she was using the Facebook chat feature for the first time since she's been home from a long trip to Europe. I said hello and asked how she was doing. She responded by being cold, rude and terse-- as if wondering who said it was okay for me to speak with her.

So, I told her it was a shame to see she'd lost her manners overseas, then told her to have a nice life. She then sent me a message about having moved away from Wisconsin in order to get away from it all and move on with her life. [For now, let's not even begin dissecting the issues a person must have if they need to "get away from it all" in regards to dull, po-dunk, safe ole Wisconsin.] She tried to imply that she didn't mean to hurt my feelings.

So I sent this in response:

Please do not ever contact me again unless you are in dire need of a friend (i.e. physical illness, financial hardship, charity, etc). I have attempted for years to be nothing but an open book and an extended hand of friendship to you and have received nothing short of 3rd degree burns from such close proximity to your hot shit. I wish nothing but bliss and prosperity upon you. However, I do not appreciate the painful feeling of worthlessness I receive from you at every inquiry over your welfare.

That being said, I've requested that people write something (I pretty much don't care what) on my wall-- not on my status update or on my photos, but on my wall-- by next month so that I can add them to a list and delete people who couldn't be bothered.

I've been moderately creeped out by social networking from the start, and blatantly falsified friendships are absolutely not acceptable for maintaining contact.


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