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The Commonly Confused Words Test written by
shortredhead78 on
OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the
32-Type Dating Test So I'm crap at the basics, but good with the complex bits... How very typical.
Some things I've read recently on LJ have dismayed me and the abundance of fakery has irked me. The internet is a fantastic medium for truth and free expression. It's also a great tool for pretense, voyeurism and insincerity. There are now layers to the f'list, factions within a faction if you like.
I have a bee buzzing around my bonnet. A new aspect to my job is involved with what we politicalcorrectly/fascistically term "working women"; prostitutes to everybody else. I have limited experience of previously working with this very vulnerable group of people. At the moment we're attending a drop in which is held regularly on an evening, where the ladies drop in to access primary health care, needle exchange, general drug advice and now, specialist crack advice. It's intense, front-line, challenging and quite disturbing work. I had real problems dealing with my first experience there.
The women present with a wide range of problems, some just for a chat, some with gaping, festering abcesses from injecting drugs. All of those I have met have massive drug habits, which they need to "work" long hours to subsidise. Many of them have partners who have equally large habits. The girls work to subsidise their habits too. In fact many of these "partners" hang around outside while the girls avail themselves of the service, get warm, have a cup of tea, get something to eat and take a break from the constant round of punters they have to deal with. They often bang on the window if they feel the girls are taking too long in the drop in. The surge of rage I felt every time one of these sad, exploitative, pimping pieces of shit banged on the window was barely controllable.
The women themselves are the most vulnerable group I've ever worked with by far. They present with multiple issues; physical, sexual and mental health and drugs add to that the huge risks they put themselves at by the virtue of the work they do, putting themselves at serious risk of harm from total strangers. As well as being the most vulnerable group I've worked with, they are also the most exploited.
On leaving the drop in I see them hanging around in the cold. There's ice on the floor, their tops are pulled down low and their skirts are short. Their faces are very similar, painted badly with pastel pinks and blues, putting me in mind of children playing dressing up with mummy's make up. A car pulls up, negotiations are made. The girl gets in the car and the car drives off. I'm walking home with a head full of rage and shite and a view into something I'd always known would be horrid, but the actual seeing of it makes it so much more tangible, immediate and utterly horrifying.
Something needs to be done for these women, something big. This all needs to change completely and soon. I can't see how a civilised society can allow its most vulnerable members to be so literally fucked over like this. What do we do? I'm doing my small bit at the drop in, but that's too little and often too late.
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