Title: Burn My Sins Away
Fandom: Harry Potter (AU Future-fic, Ron-centric) with a slight BtVS crossover.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The End has come and gone and Ron will never be the same.
He’d been expecting it for days, a prickling on the back of his neck warning him that the past was still dogging his path. )
Comments 1
Honest to god, this scene right here...After a moment Bill relaxed and grinned that same, confident grin. Ron felt every muscle loosen as tension drained out of him, a small spring of hope swelling up to take its place.
“Hullo, little brother.” The sound of Bill’s voice still able to make all the nightmares go away.
I was waiting for it during the movie and I was so disappointed that they had cut it out and only the next day did I realize that this happened in YOUR FAN FIC and not the book!! Just FYI.
Ron's internal pain and loniness is so strong here, as is the moment when you can feel him open it up and let it loosen. This is by far my fav HP fic ever. hahaha, remember when I freaked out because this was the first time I found out about Xander's eye? lol
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