Miscellaneous Ficlets

May 24, 2006 14:43

Mal (Firefly) and Chiana (Farscape)
Requested by auntiemeesh

Mal had never seen an alien before. Shoot, he didn't even think they existed but here one was in all her grey-toned alien glory. She moved in a slinky kinda cat-like way. At least he thought she was a she. He certainly hoped she was cause the way she was walking was making him react in places not fit to talk about in polite company.

"Isn't he a nice one." She purred when finally stopped in front of him. "I like your tight pants." And before he could say or do a gorram thing she was on him, her legs straddled around his hips and she was sucking so hard that he felt sure that his tongue was going to come right out of his mouth.

He wasn't quite sure what they were going to do with their their new passenger but he sure as hell was all set to enjoy the ride.

Jason Voorhees and Harry, Ron, and Hermione (HP)
Requested by hjcallipygian

Hermione glared in consternation at the large, hocky-masked man with the big, scary looking knife who was bearing down on them like the Hogwarts Express. She flicked her outstretched wand and said with more then a hint of frustration, "That should have worked. That spell would immobilize a rampaging stegosaurus."

Harry's face was set in grim lines. "Immobilization spells won't work this time. We're going to need something more drastic."

Ron rolled his eyes and grabbed them both, pushing them out of the way and down a side hallway. "Yeah, yeah." He said as he pulled them along, "We'll figure out how to take care of that beast but first we'd better get out of his way, don't you think?"

Hermione turned just enough to give him a glare but her pace didn't slack off one bit.

Sam Seaborn (The West Wing) and Simon Tam (Firefly)
Requested by abyssinia4077

"So what you're telling me is that you're from another planet." Sam stared at the dark-haired man sitting in front of him with a healthy dose of suspicion. Leave it to Leo to send him the real, true, out of his mind crazy person on Crackpot Day.

"If you want to be completely accurate then yes, I am. However, my observations have lead me to believe that I'm also from sometime in your distant future." The man, one Dr. Simon Tam, if his dossier was to be believed, looked slightly uncomfortable.

"Are you sure Josh didn't send you?" Sam asked with a piercing look. Dr. Tam fidgeted slightly in his seat and cleared his throat nervously. "All right, then. If you are from the future then how should we go about trying to fix social security?"

Dr. Tam gave him a strange look. "What's social security?" he asked curiously. Sam sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He could feel a headache coming on. It was going to be a very long day.

tww, ff, crossover, misc ficlets, hp, farscape

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