(no subject)

Sep 29, 2005 12:38

Just to make it abundantly clear, I'm a big ol' dork. But then, you all already knew that anyway. =D

Autumn has finally begun and I feel as if I were in heaven. Cool days followed by cooler nights, the leaves just beginning to hint at the changes ahead. It rained and rained last night and the wind blew and blew and it was so delightfully atmospheric and comforting. Today the sky is clear and blue with white clouds chasing each other across the horizon. There's something about autumn sunlight that makes everything seem golden and beautiful, as if the very essence of the season is richness and joy.

Just got back from a nice lunch-time stroll and upon seeing my image in all its windblown glory thought, 'Wow, looking kinda hot today.' Which is always a nice feeling.

On the stroll stopped by a Hallmark store and noticed that they're selling Gandalf ornaments. Last year Frodo, this year Gandalf, it's all rather exciting. Plus they had all these fun Halloween decorative thingamabobs and I don't normally consider myself a very kitschy, home decor sort but they made me kinda squeeful.

Still have no job prospects but am not quite as stressed out as I was last week. BTW, I know I haven't responded to any of the wonderful comments that people left so I want to let you all know how much they meant to me. I love you guys tons and am infinitely grateful for your support. Next week is looking pretty shiny with a Monday trip to see Serenity with baylorsr and her Sister and a weekend trip to visit the incomparable hiyacynth. That's a lot of fangirl lovin' for one week. *smirks*

Life isn't so bad on days like today. =D

Word Origin of the Day: Mediocre - Used these days in a wide variety of situations, the term began with a much more specific function. It was originally the compound Latin word mediorcris, created from medius, meaning "middle" and ocris, meaning "rugged mountain." Together, the literal translation was "halfway to the top," but in French, and later English, this became "middle height" or "middling," before settling into its present meaning with a more generic application.

blather, home can be heaven, word origin of the day, fangirls are love, i'm a big ol' dork

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