(no subject)

Sep 19, 2005 12:59

It's been a weekend. Not too terribly much happened but I feel obligated to discuss, nonetheless.

Made a mistake and saw The Exorcism of Emily Rose on Friday with the Big Lug and some of his friends. The movie freaked me out so badly that I slept on my couch on Friday and Saturday nights with all of the lights in my apartment on and the tv providing some background noise. Thankfully, last night I was able to sleep in my own bed and even turned the bedside lamp off.

LSAT class was fun on Saturday and by fun I mean dull because we were going over the two things that I kick ass at. However, the instructor flirted with me which was entertaining. Shame the course isn't graded. Just goes to show, the one time I get hit on by an instructor it's when I'll get absolutely nothing else out of it. Though it does nicely bolster le ego.

Now for some weekend TV talk:

Big news is that Lost won for Best Dramatic Series which is wonderful and shiny. It was weird, though, because I didn't expect them to win and yet a part of me totally did so that the actual win was a surprise but not really. It's hard to explain. It was fun to see the cast up on stage.

I was disappointed that neither Naveen or Terry O'Quinn won for Best Supporting Actor, especially when the award went to Bill Shatner. Don't get me wrong, I love Bill (who doesn't?) but I just don't think he deserved to win the award. Not that I've watched all that much Boston Legal but I've seen enough to get a feel for it.

Seriously, though, how much fellatio did the producers of Boston Legal have to provide to get them the big dramatic actor wins? James Spader over Hugh Laurie and Ian McShane. It's just bizarre. And as much as I love Tony Shaloub I think the Best Comedy Actor award should've gone to Jason Bateman or Zack Braff. Three consecutive wins is a bit much.

But YAY! LOST!!!!! I'm so happy for our boys and girls. They all looked so pretty in their formals and so happy on the stage.

Speaking of Lost, I'm finally half way through my re-viewing of season one. I won't make it all the way through by Wednesday's premiere but that's okay, I have plenty of fun thoughts to chew on. Got through 1.12 'Whatever the Case May Be' [Kate ep.] on Saturday (or was it Sunday? *shrug*) The episode was much better in fast forward. I am reminded of why I had such Kate dislike by the end of the season. The problem with Kate is that she takes all of her problems so seriously. Yeah, her life sucks and people have died because of her and she was on the run (but why she was on the run is still a mystery). It's the fact that she's so damn emo about it all that drives me crazy. In some ways she seems purposefully self-destructive, as illustrated by her refusal to tell Jack exactly why she wanted to open the Marshal's brief case. When seen through other people's eyes she's not nearly as aggravating. She's so stereotypically LotR Mary Sue that it's hillarious. Oh Kate Sue, your life is so tragic and nobody understands your pain and yet everybody loves you. Poor, poor Kate Sue. *snerk*

I've said it before, but it's so fascinating to have a new understanding of certain character's actions now that I know more about their stories then I did on first viewing. Of course Locke takes Walt into his training because Locke thinks that Michael is just some absentee father who wants to manipulate Walt, just as Locke's father did to him. I also see a very strong desire in Locke to mentor younger people, be it Boone or Walt or Charlie or even Jack, to be the guiding force in another's life that he didn't have in his own.

This second viewing strengthens my faith in the fact that the writers have a strong idea of where they want the series to go. Even the lesser episodes don't have a single mis-step, character wise.

And, yes, I might have cried when Charlie was found hanging in the tree, even though I knew he wasn't dead. That scene is extremely powerful. I can't believe I didn't die on the spot the first time it aired.

So, Rick Warden finally showed up and he was great. Quintus Pompey is a demented little fuck and it's wonderful. The show is taking a turn towards focusing more on the characters rather then the overwhelming plot which is all for the good. I didn't get a thorough viewing of last night's episode as I was flipping back and forth from the Emmys but what I saw was wonderful with the intrigue and the interesting character work and I can't wait to see more.

I taped this on Tuesday because I heard it was good but it's on concurrent to House and I already have a standing date with my favorite sarcastic doctor. It was better then I expected. There was a definite X-Files feel to the lighting and direction but seeing as David Nutter is one of the producers I'm not surprised. The relationship between the brothers, Sam and Dean, is very nice. They feel like real brothers with the jokes and the issues and the family language. Not terribly spooky but the boys are pretty and the stories are interesting enough. I think I'll keep on taping it.

And, just so you know, I adore Justice League and Saturday's new episode was great for many reasons, including the fact that it reminded me of this story by hackthis.

It might just be a decent week, all things told.

Word Origin of the Day: Recipe - "Receive," "receipt," and "recipe" have a similar background, all variations of the Latin verb recipere, meaning "to take" or "to receive." "Recipe" arrived in English in the 1300s but in its original use, meant about the same as "receive." In the 1500s, this use evolved, now referring to instructions about or formulas for medicine. The current meaning pertaining to food arose in the 1700s.

tv is my crack, blather, rome, word origin of the day, desert island shenanigans, movies are my anti-drug

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