(no subject)

Sep 14, 2005 10:04

Woke up this morning not wanting to get out of bed. It was supposed to rain last night and when I woke up I knew it hadn't (don't ask me how, I had the A/C on all night, I couldn't have heard it if it had). Laying there I couldn't deal with another day that was hot and sunny. I was all tapped out.

Happily it has since rained. Oh clouds, how I love you.

Watched Bones while I was doing some prep class homework. It was pretty much the only interesting thing on. I enjoyed it. It wasn't great. For all of their vaunted insight and intelligence it took everyone on the show much too long to begin suspecting who the killer was and I was three steps ahead, which was annoying. I like my shows to not be quite so obtuse. The writing was a tad cardboard at times and the characterization of the main female was overdrawn but the acting was good and the production values were high. David Boreanaz's role fit all of his actorly strengths and he was very good in it. I'll probably continue to watch because it's something to do while the laundry is washing. Not must see TV but not bad.

House was a lot of fun. For a season premiere it wasn't terribly exciting, very much a standard disease of the week sort of episode. There were some very nice character moments. The reason this show is so engrossing is because it treats the viewers as if they can understand subtleties of writing and acting. They don't feel the need to hit you over the head or flash neon signs or anything like that. So the plots aren't always that engaging but the characters give you lots and lots of things to enjoy.

Thank goodness House hasn't lost his edge. He's still sarcastic and brilliant and extremely fucked up. To be fair, everyone in the show is a little messed up but House really takes the cake. There were some killer scenes and the end was nice and juicy. All in all I was most satisfied.

So, you know how I felt like I was actively getting worse at this LSAT thing? Apparently I was being a little hard on myself as my score went up 5 points on the prep test I took on Monday. If it goes up by two more points I'll get a free ride to the local law school, which poses me with a bit of a dilemma, low cost or prestige? Thankfully I don't have to decide anything until all of the applications have been processed.

My da's a good guy. He bought me a scone this morning. I don't think he knows that I'm dieting so how can I refuse? It's sitting there, taunting me with its carby goodness. mmmmmm Sometimes evil is very tasty.

tv is my crack, the weather generally hates me, voluntary starvation, house, law skool ownz me

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