(no subject)

Jul 19, 2005 12:46

Today is actually a slow day at work. Glory be.

For your entertainment (Okay, okay, my entertainment), the continuing insanity of Crazy Adventures in the Multiverse.

Previous parts can be found here.

Special Author's Note: There are absolutely no spoilers for Book 6 in this story nor will there ever be. Such is the way of the plot. Yes, there is a plot, kind of, really, I promise. =D


Somehow they all made it to the Dining Hall in one piece the next morning. A good night’s sleep in comfortable beds had done all three of them a world of good, leaving them all bright-eyed and observant.

“You know, it’s kind of like East Quad.” Megan remarked after gulping down a glass of juice. “Except with better food.”

“If it’s so much better then why aren’t you eating any of it?” Heather asked as she speared a sausage from a nearby platter.

Megan grimaced and poked at the swiftly congealing sausage on her plate. “It’s all so heavy and greasy. My residual British genes aren’t strong enough to make me want to eat this so early in the morning.” She shot a look over at Erin who was busy looking under tureen covers and poking around platters. “Have you found anything a little more palatable yet?”

“There’s some porridge under there.” Erin said, pointing at a nearby tureen “And there’s toast.”

“Porridge I can handle.” Megan said, ladling the thick mass into a bowl and spooning jam onto it from a nearby pot.

“The Gryffindors are still glaring at us.” Erin said quietly as she buttered a piece of toast.

“The Slytherins aren’t being any nicer, trust me.” Heather muttered. “I get the distinct impression that we aren’t very popular with the other members of our Houses.”

Megan shrugged. “The Ravenclaws don’t seem to mind us. Sure, the older prefects are looking at us like we’re some kind of strange social experiment but they are letting us eat at their table.”

“A most superior House.” Erin replied with a cocky little grin.

“Har, har, har.” Megan rolled her eyes. “We’re here one day and you’re already getting delusions of grandeur.”

“Hey, at least I’m not evil like some people.”

“I’m never, ever going to live this down, am I?”

“Not in this lifetime.” Erin responded cheekily.

“Not that I’m against giving Megan grief in any way, shape or form,” Heather interrupted. “But we should probably start coming up with some sort of plan.”

“I say the best thing to do is lay low, go to classes and get a feel for the terrain. We don’t want to stick out any more then we already do.” Megan said decisively.

“All right everyone, schedules out.” Erin directed with a wave of her toast. “Let’s figure out where we’re going and what we’re doing.”

There was a quick grab of bags and a determined digging while the noise and commotion of a Hogwarts breakfast continued around them unabated. Food was thrown and insults were shouted and industrious owls dropped various packages and letters to students scattered around the room. It was a controlled, exuberant sort of chaos that rampaged beneath the glittering, magically blue sky that swirled around the ceiling.

“Let’s see,” Heather said, pushing her plate aside and resting her elbows on the long table. Megan and Erin leaned in, their own schedules set in front of them. “I’ve got Potions and Herbology this morning with Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures and Defense Against the Dark Arts in the afternoon.”

“Check, check and check.” Megan said, pointing at her own schedule. “Looks like I’ve got Potions, Creatures and Dark Arts with you and History of Magic and Divination right before and right after lunch.” She looked up with a wry grin. “Seems we can’t get rid of each other.”

“Slytherin and Gryffindor really do have every class together.” Erin muttered. “However, I do share History and Arithmancy with each of you so I shouldn’t get too lonely during the day.”

“Beautiful.” Megan glanced at her wristwatch, which still looked like her good old dependable Timex but instead of numbers it now sported phrases such as, ‘Time to Leave for Class’, and ‘Write Mother or Howler Forthcoming’. “Guess we should skedaddle and meet back here for lunch.” She winked at Heather. “Come on, we can go give Snape an aneurysm.”

Heather wasn’t paying any attention. He eyes were locked on something over Erin’s shoulder and her mouth was gaping open slightly. “Oh my god.” She drawled, shocked and amazed. “I think Chris and Danielle just walked through the door.”

Megan jerked, her eyes immediately tracking towards the door and Erin’s head whipped around, her eyes wide. They sat there, frozen, as a girl and a boy stood together in the doorway, their body language cautious and defensive, their eyes scanning the Hall. Inevitably their gaze tracked to the three girls frozen at the Ravenclaw table. The surprise of recognition was like an electric shock through all five of them.

“Fuck.” The uncharacteristic curse spilled involuntarily out of Erin’s mouth. “What the hell is going on here?”


multiverse, hp

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