(no subject)

Mar 30, 2005 09:45

So, the water main was broken, the company server is down and some people get to go home and enjoy this beauteous spring day. But not me. Woe.

i'm totally tempted to take the afternoon off and screw all the vacation/sick time i used last week sssssssssshhhh

You know, as much as I love plotty, intense, character-driven tv shows I also kind of love the shallow ones that don't make me think too much and that I don't have to take very seriously. There's a reason you won't see me talk a lot about Carnivale or Deadwood and that's mostly because I have too much to say to formulate anything coherent.

Speaking of Carnivale, that was Rita Sue (Cynthia Ettinger) playing the mom! I love Rita Sue! I so wanted her to just bitch slap House around. You know he'd love it.

Her hair and make-up looked awful, though. It's like they were trying really hard to make her look ugly. Dude, guys, don't even go there. That's Rita Sue and she is one of the sexiest women on tv.

I kind of love Foreman. I kind of really love Foreman. He was so great with the kid-patient and the only one who just seemed to accept her for who she was. Plus he's smart, not just book-smart but people-smart, and not afraid to tell House what he thinks and you can tell that House kind of respects him for that. Foreman has an interesting position on the team where he's still kind of an outsider in the Chase/Cameron dynamic but edging his way upward in House's esteem. It's kinda cool.

I've been a little ambivelent about Chase since I started watching. He's been the nice empathic doctor-guy in the past but there hasn't been anything about him that especially endeared him to me. He was a complete asshole in this episode and that really turned me off. He was the kind of pretty boy that drives me up the wall. Too attractive and golden for his own damn good, too sure of himself and too willing to take down everyone around him if his security is threatened. I kind of wanted to punch him in his pretty little nose.

Though, I get the feeling that there's a whole lot going on in this show that we never see. There's certainly a strong subtext for a Cameron/Chase relationship that went sour when Cameron started fixating on House. Jealousy and anger would make for a convincing impetus for Chase's behaviour in the past few eps.

Cameron interests me, but a House/Cameron relationship is a recipe for disaster. Cameron is yearning for validation and House, in his own screwed up way is looking for nurture but they need a relationship of equals, which is something their's would patently not be. It might be fun at first but his issues would so overwhelm everything else and Cameron would be swept and buffeted around till she didn't know what end was up anymore and it could only end with pain, lots and lots of pain. It would be kind of like Nix and one of his post war relationships and ... wait, not going there, this line of thought kept me up for over an hour last night.

Frankly, as it is right now, the only person with whom I could see House in an actual working relationship is Wilson, and that's not even with the slash goggles on. There's no one else who has been portrayed as House's equal and whom House views in that way. And, plus, the subtext is really, really texty.

This show is so not about the medicine. Sure medicine and weird diseases are involved but mostly it's about the interpersonal drama of a select corner of the hospital staff. It's a daytime soap with really good actors, writers and higher production values. And fewer marriages.

Oy, I need to stop eating Easter candy. But it's so yummy and the Cadbury mini-eggs are like crack in chocolate form.

ETA: Well, the water and server came back on. Who am I kidding, I wasn't going to go home anyway;-).

tv is my crack, my boys/girls, work

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