Weekly Fic Recs

Nov 03, 2011 11:27

We had a most excellent Halloween at FGC, but I'll detail that in another post. Presenting, for your consideration, the best of the fics I read in the past week:

Battlestar Galactica
Peaches and Cream by
He tips his forehead against hers, sighing. “It’s me,” he says. “Gods, I missed you.” Helo/Athena

The Middleman
The Pompatus of Love by
"Oh, no, did someone try to stump the band with 'The Joker' again?"

Above and Below by murron
Dean, Sam and Cas climb into Hell to get Sam’s soul. While they pass from one infernal circle to the next, Dean struggles with his mistrust of soulless Sam and the shadow of his own past in the Pit. In addition, there’s the matter of Cas who’s come to mean more to Dean than he wants to admit. Fighting against Hell spawn and fallen angels, passing through burned cities and salt deserts, Dean believes in the success of their mission until their luck runs out and Hell threatens to swallow Cas whole. AU, Longfic, Dean/Cas

The Demiurge by takadainmate
After the final battle for Heaven, the Winchesters find Castiel. AU, Longfic

These Are Not Real Problems by
Castiel used to be a god. Dean took that away from him, and now Castiel's stuck in a hell of his own making. AU, Longfic, Dean/Cas

comments at http://liptonrm.dreamwidth.org/37814.html.

tv is my crack, fic recs, spn, bsg

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