Weekly Fic Recs

Oct 12, 2011 09:27

Here are a few of my favorite fics from last week.

Holding Hands with a God and A Graying Tower, Alone by the Sea by
Dean is a superhero. Castiel is a mild-mannered reporter trying to get an interview. Dean/Cas

And Your Very Flesh Shall be a Great Poem by teh_helenables
The back-alley beating leaves Dean with scars. (Spoilers from 5.18, Point of No Return) Dean/Cas hurt/comfort

In The Company of Ghosts by Kodiakkmaxe
Epic Farscape AU. Eventual John/Aeryn Super-long fic

X-Men: First Class
Only Young Men in Libraries by
Of the many things Raven had needed to learn upon coming to Xavier House, knowing when she was allowed to enter a room required the most adjustment.

Avatar the Last Airbender
Sun Blast Your Shadow by pearl_o
Zuko had assumed, somehow, that the hard part would be over.

comments at http://liptonrm.dreamwidth.org/36134.html.

water tribe ftw, farscape, fic recs, x-men, spn

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