Dance Party Vid Show

Sep 20, 2011 12:42

A couple few weeks ago, right after the annual glut of awesome vids post-VividCon, I put together a vid show for all of us at FGC. It was so much fun that I thought my f-list might enjoy it too. Some of these are new but most of them are old favorites. Plz to enjoy.

Dance Party Vid Show

1. Blow by
winterevanesce (Sucker Punch)

image Click to view

2. Down By the Water by
danegen (Southland)

3. Take It Off by
greensilver (Multi)

4. Bankshot by vagabondage (Hustle)

5. Because I'm Awesome by
anoel (Glee)

image Click to view

6. Dancing at the Movies (Multi)

image Click to view

7. I've Been to A Marvelous Party by
charmax (Multi)

image Click to view

8. Cuz I Can by dualbunny (BSG)

9. Safety Dance by barkley and destina (SPN)

10. Circus by
butterfly (ST: Reboot)

11. Motown Philly by jarrow(Psych)

12. Smile by
charmax (BtVS/AtS)

13. Give It Up by jarrow (Multi)

14. Dance Across the Floor by littleheaven (Scrubs)

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tv is my crack, to boldly go, movies are my anti-drug, btvs, my boys/girls, bsg, spn, moving pictures

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